Humboldt-Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V.

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer gründete im Mai 2011 die Humboldt-Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe – Pforzheim e.V.. Zweck des Vereins ist die Förderung des internationalen wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Austauschs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Regionalgruppe dient als Forum für ehemalige und derzeitige Stipendiaten sowie der Netzwerkförderung. Zum Sprecher der Gruppe wurde der Inhaber der Jean Monnet Professur Dirk Wentzel gewählt, Lehrstuhlinhaber für Europäische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der Hochschule Pforzheim und Lehrbeauftragter am KIT. Stellvertreter sind Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha, Professorin und Direktorin des ZAK (Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale) am KIT, sowie Alexey Ustinov, Professor des DFG-Zentrums für Funktionelle Nanostrukturen (CFN) am KIT und Peter Henning, Professor für Informatik an der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft. Die Regionalgruppe fördert den Austausch der Humboldtianer untereinander und bietet gegenseitige Hilfestellungen, wie bei der Integration internationaler Wissenschaftler und Reintegration deutscher Humboldtianer sowie den Dialog mit der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und anderen Humboldtvereinigungen. Mehrmals jährlich veranstaltet die Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim wissenschaftliche Vorträge hochkarätiger Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit. |
Mitgliedsanträge der deutschen Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
International Excellence Talks jointly presented by International Affairs and the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim - Please find the recordings of the last International Excellence Talks on our Youtube Channel.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET - The event will be held online via Zoom and in-person (please register online in order to attend in-person)
We cordially invite you to join the next International Excellence Talk with Prof. Dr. Daniel Cziczo on the topic “Improving our understanding of Earth’s upper troposphere and lower stratosphere”.
Abstract: Until the late 1990s, the particles found in the upper tropospheric / lower stratospheric (UTLS) were an area of uncertainty in atmospheric science. At about the same time, instruments were developed that could be flown on high altitude research aircraft to determine particle composition and large chambers were built that allowed us to mimic the conditions in this remote region of the atmosphere. This talk will review how aircraft measurements and laboratory studies have been, and will continue to be, used in concert to better understand atmospheric chemistry, precipitation and our climate.
Venue: Lehmann Lecture Hall, Building 30.22 or online via Zoom.
After the keynote lecture, we invite you to join the networking session with Prof. Dr. Daniel Cziczo and other participants with drinks and snacks. Read more about the speaker and the details of the event as well as find the Zoom Link on our website.
The International Office and the IMK-AAF are looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas with you!
Veranstaltungen 2023
Veranstaltungen 2023
International Excellence Talks jointly presented by International Affairs and the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim - Please find the recordings of the last International Excellence Talks on our Youtube Channel.
Friday, November 24, 2023 at 11:30 am CET - Prof. Stefan Felder on the topic New measurement methods to improve design and safety of hydraulic structures
Hydraulic structures, such as dams fulfill many societal functions including water supply, flood mitigation and generation of hydropower. Their safety is paramount and a failure can be catastrophic. The design of hydraulic structures must therefore be conducted with the highest technical standards using state-of[1]the-art measurement approaches. Despite their significance, current design practice for flood release and energy dissipation facilities is limited to small scale physical modeling combined with numerical modelling while significant limitations exist due to scale effects and missing prototype validation data. In recent years, some new advances have been made in the use of instrumentation and post-processing methods that can provide more confidence in the design of hydraulic structures and that may change the way we design structures in the future. Herein, this talk provides an overview about recent developments in the instrumentation relevant for hydraulic structures including phase-detection intrusive probes, remote sensing with LIDAR and camera technology as well as lagrangian-type sensors for fish safety assessment.
Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET
We cordially invite you to join the 20th International Excellence Talk with Prof. Dr. Adam Jatowt on the topic “Automatic Question Answering from Archival Document Collections”.
Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA) has been researched for a while as a task in the intersection of NLP and IR that seeks to answer user questions against an underlying collection of documents. We focus here on answering questions from large scale news archives that span several decades, as a new subtype of ODQA which requires proper handling of temporal information. We will present several approaches to this variant of ODQA, and we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of accessing detailed information from temporal document collections, particularly, in the current era of large language models.
Wednesday, July 05, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET
This talk will provide an overview of past and ongoing research in Prof. Dr. Andrés Díaz Lantada’s research team at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. Prof. Dr. Andrés Díaz Lantada research interests lies in design for additive manufacturing, additive manufacturing technologies, smart materials and structures, 3D and 4D printing, engineered living materials, engineering education. Currently Prof. Dr. Díaz Lantada is an International Excellence Fellow at the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT-KIT) under guidance from Prof. Dr. Jan Korvink, KIT 2023. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Díaz Lantada will show results from 4 European projects from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes (TOMAX, UBORA, INKplant and BIOMET4D), in which he has led UPM’s participation. He will also explain important advances of the recent highly competitive iMPLANTS-CM “Synergy Project”, funded by Madrid’s General Directorate for Research and Innovation.
Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 5:30 pm CET
"Applications of Machine Learning in Climate Change and Environmental Modeling" by Dr. Zoe Li - This is the title for the 18th KIT International Excellence Talk. The talk will provide an overview of past and ongoing research in Dr. Zoe Li’s research team at the Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Canada. Dr. Li´s research focuses on environmental risk analysis and management, where she introduces new uncertainty quantification methods for climate-hydrological and environmental modeling and develops robust optimization tools to support risk analysis and management.
With a focus on how to leverage machine learning techniques to solve environmental problems, Dr. Li will present several applications of machine learning for climate downscaling, hydrological forecasting, river ice prediction, and wastewater modeling.
Thursday, February 09, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET
Electrocatalytic Materials and Design: Towards Hydrogen Energy Sustainability - This is the title for the 16th KIT International Excellence Talk, which will be held virtually via Zoom. On Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 5:00 PM (CET), Dr. Po-Ya Abel Chuang will elaborate on fuel cell and electrolysis technologies as key solutions to future energy sustainability. Furthermore, he will introduce his research efforts that are centered around the fundamental electrochemical study for applications such as low-temperature PEM and AEM fuel cell and electrolyzer. Affiliated with the School of Engineering, University of California, Merced, USA, Dr. Chuang is currently conducting his research at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), a facility launched by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology together with Ulm University, as an International Excellence Fellow.
Veranstaltungen 2022
Veranstaltungen 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 3:00 pm CET
Rational Design of Materials for Energy Production and a Cleaner Future - This is the title for the 15th KIT International Excellence Talk, which will be held as an attendance event and virtually per Zoom. On Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 3:00 PM (CEST), Dr. M. Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano will elaborate on the potent greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and the significance of their conversion to valuable resources to a greener future. Furthermore, she will discuss recent results on metal/CeO2 systems which point toward a possible strategy for designing active and stable catalysts that can be employed for methane activation and conversions.
Affiliated with the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Spain, Dr. Ganduglia-Pirovano is currently conducting her research at the Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG), KIT as an International Excellence Fellow.
Thursday, October 25, 2022 at 5:00 pm CET
Order Fulfillment Design for an Omnichannel World - This is the title for the 14th KIT International Excellence Talk, which will be held as an attendance event and virtually per Zoom. On Tuesday, 25 October 2022 at 5:00 PM (CEST), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pazour will elaborate on the ongoing transformation to retail and distribution operations due to the proliferation of e-commerce and present an overview of omni-channel material handling challenges and opportunities. This includes research on new operational designs, facilities, equipment, methodologies and business models.
Affiliated with the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pazour is currently conducting her research at the Institute for Material Handling and Logistics (IFL), KIT as an International Excellence Fellow.
Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 5:00 pm CET
Towards Physical-Conceptual Modeling of Mass, Energy and Information Flows Using Machine Learning Technology- This is the title for the 13th KIT International Excellence Talk, which will be held as an (1) attendance event and (2) virtually per Zoom.
On Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 5:00 PM (CEST), Prof. Dr. Hoshin V. Gupta will discuss the contributing factors for the success of any Machine Learning strategy with regards to its effectiveness and efficiency. He will also expand on his view of the symbiotic relationship between Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and the Domain Sciences.
Affiliated with the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona, Prof. Dr. Gupta is currently conducting his research at the Institute for Water and River Basin Management - Hydrology (IWG-HYD), KIT as an International Excellence Fellow.
Wednesday, July 24, 2022 at 5:00 pm CET
Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis of Multifunctional Lightweight Systems - This is the title for the 12th virtual KIT International Excellence Talk. On Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 5:00 PM (CET), Prof. Dr. Kamran Behdinan will discuss advanced techniques in design and analysis of lightweight structures and summarize major research projects conducted in intelligent manufacturing and lightweight structures at the UofT ARL-MLS. Affiliated with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, Prof. Dr. Behdinan is currently conducting his research at the Institute of Product Engineering (IPEK), KIT as an International Excellence Fellow.
After the talk, he will be available for an informal discussion with the audience. Read more about the speaker and the talk as well as find the Zoom link on our website.
The International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) and the Institute of Product Engineering of KIT are looking forward to e-meeting and exchanging ideas with you!
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 5:00 pm CET
Design of new materials based on their inner architecture, rather than their atomic or phase composition, is an emerging trend in materials engineering. In the 10th KIT International Excellence talk, Prof. Dr. Yuri Estrin from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia will highlight several promising areas of research into architectured materials. The event will take place virtually, via Zoom, on Wednesday, 25 May, 2022 at 5:00 PM (CEST).
After the keynote lecture, we invite you to join the informal discussion with Prof. Dr. Yuri Estrin and other participants. Read more about the speaker and the talk as well as find the Zoom link on our website.
The International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) and the Institute of Engineering Mechanics - Continuum Mechanics (ITM-KM) are looking forward to e-meeting and exchanging ideas with you!
Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 5:00pm CET online - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
Conventional imaging, as you do with your smartphone, is achieved with ubiquitous optical elements (such as lenses) and has remained more or less unchanged for centuries. On Thursday, April 28 at 5 PM CET, Prof. Forbes, Winner of the Georg Forster Prize from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, will outline how spooky quantum light allows us to break the rules of traditional imaging systems, including imaging without interacting with the object, high resolution photos with low resolution detectors, and making the invisible visible.
After the keynote lecture, we invite you to join the networking opportunity with Prof. Forbes where you will have the chance to connect with him and with the other participants during an informal discussion. Read more about the speaker and the talk as well as find the Zoom link on our website.
The International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) and the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) of KIT are looking forward to e-meeting and exchanging ideas with you!
Thursday, March 03, 2022 at 5:00pm CET - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
Shifting the Narratives Around Women STEMpreneurs - This is the title for the 8th virtual KIT International Excellence Talk. On Thursday, March 3 at 5:00 PM CET, International Excellence Fellow of KIT Dr. Katherina Kuschel will explain the characteristics and dynamics around women entrepreneurs in STEM fields and propose a new perspective to measure their success. Affiliated to the CENTRUM Graduate Business School and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Kuschel is currently exploring soft-landing programs and expatpreneurs at EnTechnon, KIT with the funding of DAAD and the KIT International Excellence Fellowship. After the talk, she will be available for an informal discussion with the audience.
Read more about the speaker and the talk as well as find the Zoom link on our website:
The International Office and the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology management and Innovation (EnTechnon) of KIT are looking forward to e-meeting and exchanging ideas with you!
Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 6:00pm CET - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
Excellence lives from exchange and networking among the best researchers worldwide. That is why we want to invite you to join us in this new lecture series, International Excellence Talks, where internationally renowned scientists will give insights into their current research topics and, ideally, inspire a broad audience of scholars. This monthly event will include a 30-minute keynote lecture and a platform for networking and informal exchange among researchers with a wide range of interests.
Micro-scale Magnetic Resonance as a Quantitative Tool for Biology – This is the title for this month’s virtual KIT International Excellence Talk. On Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 6:00pm CEST, Prof. Dr. Marcel Utz from the University of Southampton (UK) will present his findings on this topic and be available for an informal scientific discussion with participants.
The event will take place on Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 6:00pm CEST via Zoom. It will be aimed at all interested scientists at KIT of all scientific fields, who would like to get an insight into current research topics presented by international scientists as well as International Excellence Fellows and Humboldt Fellows & Grantees. After the presentation you will have the opportunity to connect with Prof. Dr. Utz and fellow researchers.
• Date: Thursday, January 27th, 2022 at 6:00pm CEST.
• Venue: The event will be held online via Zoom.
• Topic: "Micro-scale Magnetic Resonance as a Quantitative Tool for Biology".
• Target Group: All interested scientists.
KIT International Office and KIT Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) are looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!
In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an e-mail.
Veranstaltungen 2021
Veranstaltungen 2021
Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 6:00pm CET - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
Excellence lives on exchange and networking among the best researchers worldwide. That is why we want to invite you to join us in this new lecture series, International Excellence Talks, where internationally renowned scientists will give insights into their current research topics and, ideally, inspire a broad audience of scholar. This monthly event will include a 30-minute keynote lecture and a platform for networking and informal exchange among researchers with a wide range of interests.
Moving from ‘Human as Problem’ to ‘Human as Solution’ in Cyber Security – This is the title for this month’s virtual KIT International Excellence Talk. On Thursday, November 25 at 6:00 PM CET, Dr. Karen Renaud from the Strathclyde University (UK) will present her findings on this topic and be available for an informal scientific discussion with participants.
The event will take place on Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 6:00pm CEST via Zoom. It will be aimed at all interested scientists at KIT of all scientific fields, who would like to get an insight into current research topics presented by international scientists as well as International Excellence Fellows and Humboldt Fellows & Grantees. After the presentation you will have the opportunity to connect with Dr. Renaud and fellow researchers.
• Date: Thursday, November 25, 2021 from 6:00pm CEST.
• Venue: The event will be held online via Zoom.
• Topic: "Moving from ‘Human as Problem’ to ‘Human as Solution’ in Cyber Security".
• Target Group: All interested scientists.
KIT International Office and KIT Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) are looking forward to exchanging ideas with you!
In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an e-mail.
Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 6:00pm CET - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
Excellence lives on exchange and networking among the best researchers worldwide. That is why we want to invite you to join us in this new lecture series, International Excellence Talks, where internationally renowned scientists will give insights into their current research topics and, ideally, inspire a broad audience of scholar. This monthly event will include a 30-minute keynote lecture and a platform for networking and informal exchange among researchers with a wide range of interests.
We cordially invite you to join the third talk with Prof. Dr. Antonina Pirrotta on the topic "Virtual Experiments? Why and How!". In her talk, Prof. Dr. Pirrotta will present her insights on virtual experiments and will answer questions around their application in science. After the keynote lecture, we will invite you to join the live interview with Prof. Pirrotta where you will have the chance to connect with her and with other participants during an informal discussion. Prof. Pirrotta is a Professor of Structural Mechanics Engineering at Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy and currently an International Excellence Fellow at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics (ITM), KIT 2021, hosted by Prof. Dr. -Ing. Carsten Proppe. Also, she is the first european woman to be awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers EMI Fellowship!
The event will take place on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 6:00pm CEST via Zoom. It will be aimed at all interested scientists at KIT of all scientific fields, who would like to get an insight into current research topics presented by international scientists as well as International Excellence Fellows and Humboldt Fellows & Grantees. After the presentation you will have the opportunity to connect with Prof. Pirrotta and fellow researchers.
• Date: Thursday, July 22, 2021 from 6:00pm CEST.
• Venue: The event will be held online via Zoom. Participation in the webinar is free of charge.
• Topic: "Virtual Experiments? Why and How!".
• Target Group: All interested scientists.
In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an e-mail.
Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 6:00pm CET - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
International collaboration is of high importance in particular in top-level research. Excellence lives on competition and on exchange among the best researchers worldwide. That´s why KIT IKIT International Affairs in close operation with the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim established the new talk series "International Excellence Talks".
We cordially invite you to join our next talk with Prof. Dr. Dmitry Pelinovsky on the topic "Rogue waves in nature and integrable models". Prof. Dr. Dmitry Pelinovsky is currently a Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the McMaster University in Canada. His field of expertise covers analysis, differential equations, mathematical modeling and theoretical physics. Prof. Dr. Pelinovsky is recipient of the Humboldt Research Award 2021, Research Fellow of the University of Cape Town (1997), NATO Science Postdoctoral Fellow (1998-2000) and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (2006-2007).
The event will take place on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 6:00pm CEST via Zoom. It will be aimed at all interested scientists at KIT of all scientific fields, who would like to get an insight into current research topics presented by international scientists as well as International Excellence and Humboldt Fellows. The focus will also lie on the possibility of networking and community building.
• Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 6:00pm CEST.
• Venue: The event will be held online via Zoom. Participation in the webinar is free of charge.
• Topic: "Rogue waves in nature and integrable models".
• Target Group: All interested scientists.
In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an e-mail.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 6:00pm - Please find the recording on our Youtube-Channel
International collaboration is of high importance in particular in top-level research. Excellence lives on competition and on exchange among the best researchers worldwide. That´s why KIT IKIT International Affairs in close operation with the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim established the new talk series "International Excellence Talks".
We cordially invite you to join the first talk with Prof. Dr. Igor Komarov on the topic "Fighting cancer with light - emerging technologies". Prof. Dr. Igor Komarov is amongst the top-100 most cited Ukrainian scientists, and one of the Ukrainian top-5 in the area of organic chemistry. His research into peptidomimetics, whose biological activity can be controlled by light, has been pursued at the international forefront. Prof. Dr. Komarov is one of the first holders of the International Excellence Fellow of the KIT (2020), an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (2000-2001) and a holder of the Georg Forster Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2015). In his talk Prof. Dr. Komarov will present the results obtained during his collaboration with the scientific group of Prof. Dr. Anne S. Ulrich of KIT suitable for a wide audience and therefore for also non-specialists in the field.
The event will take part on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 6:00pm via Zoom (the official invitation will follow after registration). It will be aimed at all interested scientists at KIT of all scientific fields, who would like to get an insight into current research topics presented by international scientists as well as International Excellence and Humboldt Fellows. The focus will also lie on the possibility of networking and community building.
• Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
• Topic: "Fighting cancer with light - emerging technologies".
• Target Group: All interested scientists.
Please register here for the event. In case you have any questions, please contact Elena Pfeifer. Find further information in the official invitation.
Veranstaltungen 2020
Veranstaltungen 2020
Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2020, 19:30h (Zoom)
Online-Veranstaltung im einer Reihe zum Thema "Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die EU"
Europa aktuell - aus der Sicht von Prof. Dr. Dirk Wentzel
Finden Sie die Anmeldung und weitere Informationen hier.
[POSTPONED/VERSCHOBEN] Aufgrund der Situation bezüglich Corona musste dieses Treffen leider verschoben werden. Wie werden Sie kontaktieren, sobald wir eine andere Möglichkeit z.B. eine Videokonferenz gefunden und getestet haben.
30. April 2020 um 18 Uhr: Vorträge der Humboldt Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V.: "The physics of golf” und “Putting cells in the right place: mastering 3D organization of cells and tissues towards efficient organ printing" präsentiert von Professor Dr. Peter Henning und Dr. Enrico Lemma.
Ort: "Heinrich Hertz Restaurant,” Engesserstr. 3, KIT Campus Süd, Karlsruhe.
Veranstaltungen 2019
Veranstaltungen 2019
16. Mai 2019 um 18:00 Uhr: Humboldt Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V. Vortrag Natural Sciences and Engineering meet Economics präsentiert von Professor Dr. Dirk Wentzel und Dr. Erik Bründermann. Für Details siehe hier.
Humboldt-Jahr 2019
Pressemeldung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung zum Anlass Alexander von Humboldt-Jahr 2019: Weitere Humboldt-Jahr Veranstaltungen unter der Website
Veranstaltungen 2018
Veranstaltungen 2018
02. Oktober 2018 ab 12:30 Uhr: 14. Humboldt-Tag am KIT. Venue: "Ballroom" Adenauerring 7, 76131 Karlsruhe, Campus South
Veranstaltungen 2017
Veranstaltungen 2017
30. November 2017 ab 19:00 Uhr: Humboldt-Vortrag: A glimpse into partial differential equations von Dr. Alberto Saldaña
27. Juli 2017: 13. Humboldt-Tag am KIT - Förderung international mobiler Forscher(innen). Ort: Geb. 11.30 Neuer Senatssaal, 3. Stock.
Veranstaltungen 2016
Veranstaltungen 2016
01. Dezember 2016 ab 19:00 Uhr: Humboldt-Vortrag: Quantum information processing using superconducting circuits von Dr. Ioan Pop. Ort: Gastdozentenhaus am KIT, Campus Süd, Engesserstr. 3, Karlsruhe. After the lecture there will be an opportunity to join our informal dinner and to network in a multi-disciplinary environment. This lecture is open to everybody interested in this topic. More Information
28.- 29. Oktober 2016 ab 13:00 Uhr: 9. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer e.V. in Karlsruhe. Ort: Senatssaal des Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2, Gebäude 11.30, Adolf-Würth Gebäude. Programm und ausführliche Informationen.
Bericht über die Jahrestagung 2016 der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer (DGH) in Karlsruhe am KITVeranstalter: Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim in Kooperation mit dem International Scholar Welcome Office (IScO) des KITVom 28.-29. Oktober 2016 fand die Jahrestagung der DGH erstmals in Karlsruhe statt. Veranstaltet wurde die Tagung von der Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim in enger und bewährter Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Scholar Welcome Office (IScO). Die Regionalgruppe und das IScO arbeiten seit 2012 erfolgreich zusammen beim sog. Humboldt-Tag, der zu einer festen Einrichtung am KIT geworden ist und der jährlich sehr viele Humboldtianer und auch Vertreter der Stiftung zusammenbringt. Das Motto der diesjährigen Jahrestagung lautete I3: Internationalisierung, Innovation und Integration. Mit diesem gemeinsam entwickelten Motto wollte die Regionalgruppe auf den humboldtschen Auftrag zu internationaler Forschung und Weltoffenheit hinweisen. Eröffnet wurde die Veranstaltung von Professor Dr. Dirk Wentzel, der auf die Entstehungsgeschichte des Mottos hinwies und die hieraus entstehenden Diskussionen aufzeigte. Danach folgte Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth (Vizepräsident des KIT), der sich als langjähriger Partner der AvH präsentierte und der zugleich auf die besondere Innovationsfähigkeit des KIT und seine hochentwickelte internationale Vernetzung hinwies. Das KIT war zudem ein hervorragender Gastgeber, der der DGH seine besten Räumlichkeiten im frisch renovierten Senatssitzungssaal unentgeltlich zur Verfügung stellte. Dem Vizepräsidenten folgte der Sprecher der DGH, Prof. Dr. Uwe Dorka, der seine Begrüßung in gewohnter Weise dazu nutzte, auch einige nachdenkliche und aktuelle Betrachtungen vorzutragen: Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und gesellschaftspolitische Verantwortung sind im Sinne Humboldts untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Nach der Einführung gab es den ersten kulturellen Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung: Tatjana Uhde aus dem Orchester Paris gab verschiedene Stücke auf dem Violoncello zum Besten und begeisterte die Gäste. Die anschließende Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema I3 war fest in weiblicher Hand. Prof. Dr. Caroline Robertson-von Trotha, auch ein Gründungsmitglied der Regionalgruppe und Leiterin des Zentrums für angewandte Kulturwissenschaft (ZAK) am KIT, diskutierte mit Frau Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott (Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik) und Frau Meri Uhlig, der Integrationsbeauftragten der Stadt Karlsruhe. Während Prof. Ott vor allem die ökonomische Seite der Integration unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Humankapitals analysierte, zeigte Frau Uhlig die Vielfalt und Komplexität der Integration auf. Sie erzählte auch von ihrer eigenen Lebensgeschichte: Als Kind von Einwanderern hatte sie es zu Schulabschluss, Universitätsabschluss und leitender Position in der Stadt Karlsruhe gebracht. Mit großer Leidenschaft warb sie für weitergehende Integrationsbemühungen und Weltoffenheit. Dem sehr lebendigen Podium folgte ein weiterer kultureller Höhepunkt: Die zahlreichen Gäste nahmen in verschiedenen Gruppen an einer Führung durch das Karlsruher Schloss teil, wo ihnen die Geschichte des Markgrafen und des Schlosses sowie der „Fächerstadt Karlsruhe“, dem städtebaulichen Vorbild für Washington D.C., eingehend erläutert wurde. Der traditionelle Höhepunkt der Jahrestagung war auch in diesem Jahr der sog. „Humboldt-Abend“. Im Gartensaal des Schlosses moderierte Prof. Dr. Alexei Ustinov aus der Regionalgruppe einen festlichen Abend, bei dem zuerst Prof. Dr. Dorka zu Wort kam und im Namen der Deutschen Gesellschaft die ca. 90 Gäste begrüßte und einlud. Danach kam der Vize-Präsident des KIT, Prof. Dr. Hirth, zu Wort, der sich sichtlich freute, die Humboldtianer in „Karlsruhes guter Stube“ begrüßen zu dürfen. Eine sehr bewegende Ansprache hielt Dr. Enno Aufderheide, Generalsekretär der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Dr. Aufderheide berichtete primär von der Philipp Schwartz-Initiative zur Unterstützung verfolgter Wissenschaftler, die leider derzeit alle Hände voll zu tun habe angesichts von Verfolgung und Krieg weltweit. Dem Generalsekretär folgte Dr. Frank Mentrup, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Karlsruhe, der sehr persönliche und zugleich humorvolle Worte über die Humboldtianer fand, die doch allesamt recht wichtige Wissenschaftler seien, aber doch so „normal und bodenständig“ und keinesfalls eine „geschlossene Gesellschaft“. Dr. Mentrup lobte auch das Generalthema der Tagung „I3“ und verwies auf die großen Integrationsbemühungen und Erfolge der Stadt Karlsruhe. Der absolute Höhepunkt des Abends – und vermutlich der gesamten Tagung – waren dann die musikalischen Darbietungen vom Leiter der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, dem Konzertpianisten Prof. Dr. Michael Uhde (Piano), und seiner Tochter Tatjana (Violoncello). Prof. Uhde, der trotz des Geburtstages seines Sohnes David und einer Verpflichtung in München mit der ganzen Familie angereist war (inklusive des neugeborenen Enkelkindes) und Tatjana verwandelten den Humboldt-Abend in einen Konzert-Abend der absoluten Extraklasse! Der festliche Rahmen im Schloss sowie eine sehr gute Verpflegung mit badischer Küche und badischem Wein rundeten den Abend bestens ab. Der Samstagmorgen stand im Zeichen des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums „Woran forschen Humboldt-Stipendiaten aus der Region“: Es ging also um das „I aus Innovation“! Zunächst referierte der aktuelle Humboldt-Professor Dr. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer zum Thema „Die Welt der Quanten-Nanomagnete“. Professor Wernsdorfer ist gerade aus Grenoble ans KIT gewechselt. Seinem Vortrag folgte der Sofja Kovalevskaja-Preisträger Dr. Ioan Pop, der gerade aus Yale ans KIT kam, mit einem Beitrag zum Thema „Die Welt der experimentellen Physik“. Beide Vorträge waren faszinierend für das Publikum und zeigten einen Einblick in die aktuellsten Forschungsbemühungen der Physik. Nach der Kaffeepause stand das Kolloquium eindeutig im Zeichen von Integration. Dr. Petra Roth (IScO) berichtete von der Philipp-Schwartz-Initiative am KIT und spannte damit einen Bogen zu den Ausführungen des Generalsekretärs Dr. Aufderheide am Vorabend im Schloss. Dem folgte ein verfolgter Wissenschaftler, der durch die PSI gefördert wird und der einen unglaublich bewegenden Bericht vortrug über seine Flucht und über die Beweggründe hierzu. Der geschätzte Kollege darf aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht namentlich genannt werden. Mehrere Teilnehmer im Senatssitzungssaal mussten teilweise mit den Tränen kämpfen. Als Abschluss der Tagung hatten die Organisatoren ganz bewusst einen besonderen Höhepunkt gewählt. Frau Prof. Dr. Annie Powell erhielt eine Danksagung dafür, dass sie bereits für zehn Humboldtianerinnen und Humboldtianer als Gastgeberin in Ihrer Zeit als Professorin am KIT betreut hatte. Die Laudatio hielt Prof. Dr. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, der ebenfalls schon sieben Mal als Gastgeber fungierte. In einer mitreißenden Rede würdigte er den unglaublichen internationalen „Spirit“ und die Begeisterung Annie Powells: In der Tat sind die Gastgeber die wichtigste Verbindung zwischen der Stiftung und dem Stipendiaten – und die wichtigste Bedingung für den Erfolg der Forschung. Am Ende der Tagung und zur Überleitung in die Mitgliederversammlung ergriff noch einmal Prof. Wentzel das Wort. Er bedankte sich herzlichst bei allen Teilnehmern und Referenten, bei der Humboldt-Stiftung und beim KIT, bei der Regionalgruppe und bei der Stadt Karlsruhe und bei seinem Mitarbeiter Peter Vogel. Ganz besonders lobte er jedoch den großartigen Einsatz des International Scholars and Welcome Office-Teams, welches zum Erfolg der Tagung maßgeblich beigetragen hat. |
27. Oktober 2016 ab 12:30 Uhr: 12. Humboldt-Tag am KIT - Förderung international mobiler Forscher(innen). Ort: Geb. 11.30 Neuer Senatssaal, 3. Stock.
12. Mai 2016 ab 19:00 Uhr: Humboldt-Vortrag: Resilience assessment for the road networks under the earthquake and landslide risks von Professor Dr. H. Sebnem Düzgün, Professor at the Middle East Technical University, in Ankara, Turkey. Ort: Zum kleinen Ketterer, Adlerstr. 34, 76133 Karlsruhe.
Professor Düzgün has a Humboldt Georg Forster Fellowship for experienced researchers that allows her to stay in Karlsruhe for one year. Dr. Düzgün is a Professor at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Department of Mining Engineering. After the lecture there will be an opportunity to join our informal dinner and network in a multi-disciplinary environment. This lecture is open to everybody who is interested in this topic. So please feel free to pass on the information in your academic network to people who might be interested. Invitation
Veranstaltungen 2015
Veranstaltungen 2015
5. November 2015 um 19:00 Uhr: Humboldt-Vortrag: Fuel cells for clean energy von Professor Aimy Bazylak, PhD, PEng, Canada Research Chair in Thermofluidics for Clean Energy an der University of Toronto, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Director, Institute for Sustainable Energy, Associate Director, NSERC CREATE Program in DGRC. Ort: Gastdozentenhaus am KIT, Kaminzimmer, Campus Süd, Engesserstr. 3, Karlsruhe.
1. August 2015: There and back again: Two Humboldt Fellows at once join FLUTE at KIT
Vor kurzem traten Gudrun Niehues und Stefan Funkner der Abteilung des Humboldtianers Erik Bründermann am KIT für ihre Forschungsprojekte bei, die in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem ehemaligen Gastgeber Prof. Masahiko Tani, Direktor des Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region (Universität Fukui in Japan), durchgeführt werden. Beide Forscher, die über eine langjährige Expertise auf dem Gebiet der Terahertz(THz)-Spektroskopie verfügen, haben sich entschieden, ihre Forschungsprojekte an der neuen Beschleunigeranlage FLUTE fortzusetzen. Während ihres Aufenthaltes in Japan arbeitete G. Niehues an der Entwicklung spektroskopischer Systeme, die für polarisierungsempfindliche Messungen im THz-Regime konzipiert wurden [1], während S. Funkner ein neues Experiment für die nicht-lineare Raman-Spektroskopie mit Pikosekundenpulsen für THz-Frequenzen konstruierte [2]. Für ihre Arbeit am KIT unterstützt die Humboldt-Stiftung beide Forscher mit einem Feodor-Lynen-Rückkehrstipendium. Die beiden Stipendiaten werden auch vom International Scholars & Welcome Office des KIT und von Prof. Dirk Wentzel, Sprecher der Regionalgruppe Karlsruhe-Pforzheim der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer, und von ihrem Humboldt-Mentor Erik Bründermann, der sich für die Förderung der Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Bildung mit Japan einsetzt. Beide Fellows werden das Femtosekunden-Lasersystem der FLUTE-Anlage nutzen. Gudrun Niehues hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Single-Shot elektrooptische Techniken für smarte Materialien zu entwickeln. Stefan Funkner hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, nicht-lineare und ultraschnelle Messtechniken voranzutreiben. [1] G. Niehues, S. Funkner, D. S. Bulgarevich, S. Tsuzuki, T. Furuya, K. Yamamoto, M. Shiwa, and M. Tani, A matter of symmetry: terahertz polarization detection properties of a multicontact photoconductive antenna evaluated by a response matrix analysis, Opt. Express, 2015, 23, 16184-16195. |
07. Mai 2015 um 12:30 Uhr: 11. Humboldt-Tag am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Ort: Campus Süd, im Neuen Senatssaal 3.OG, im Gebäude 11.30 (Präsidium)
26. März 2015 um 19:00 Uhr: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter Henning, Professor für Informatik an der Hochschule Karlsruhe sowie Professor für Information Business Technology an der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin: Education 2.0: Research trends and global development of technology enhanced learning. Ort: Gastdozentenhaus am KIT, Kaminzimmer, Campus Süd, Engesserstr. 3, Karlsruhe.
Veranstaltungen 2014
Veranstaltungen 2014
17. Juli 2014, 12:30-18:00 Uhr: 10. Humboldt-Tag. Ort: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Campus Süd, Adenauerring 7, Festsaal des Studentenwerks.
07. Mai 2014 um 19:30 Uhr: Vortrag von Dr. Christian Rembe, Physiker und Leiter Entwicklung bei Polytec Schwingungen in der Natur und Technik mit Licht messen (Measuring vibrations in nature and technology with light). Ort: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Campus Süd, Adenauerring 2, Gebäude 50.20 in Raum 005.