North and Latin America
The research and educational institutions in North America are global benchmarks whose quality and importance are manifested in numerous long-term collaborations for KIT. There are a large number of individual partnerships as well as a number of programs (GEARE, MINTernship, InterACT) with various partners in the USA, Canada, and Mexico. With KIT LINK, KIT has established a transatlantic network to promote dialog with society, business, and science. The focus is on communication between the San Francisco Bay Area and Baden-Württemberg with the active involvement of KIT graduates. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of knowledge transfer for an innovative work environment and to facilitate the exchange of talents, ideas, technologies, products, and investments.
KIT scientists cooperate with partners in almost all South American countries. Particularly intensive and centrally supported is the cooperation with institutions in Chile and Argentina via strategic networks and partnerships. In this context, local KIT alumni are also strongly involved in the cooperations and act as bridge-builders.