eucorDay of Franco-German Friendship

On January 22, 2025, we celebrate the Day of Franco-German Friendship, marking the 62nd anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty.

Together with the Studierendenwerk, Erasmus, Eucor, and the Franco-German Initiative, we warmly invite you to visit our information stand on study opportunities in France. You’ll find us in the foyer of the cafeteria at Adenauerring from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Feel free to stop by, enjoy coffee, tea, and muffins, and chat with us!

eucorResearch Data Management Workshop (RDM)

The RDM workshop on January 28 and 29, 2025, at KIT is aimed at researchers, doctoral students, IT staff, and project managers. Topics include RDM with Kadi4Mat, the Chemotion ELN, and the use of the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi) for micro- and nanotechnologies. Focus areas: efficient data management, FAIR data publication, and access to key technologies such as TEM and 3D printing.

eucorWassercampus 2025: Call for Applications

From January 31 to February 2, 2025, the cross-border "Wassercampus" will take place in Freiburg im Breisgau, organized by the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace and the Eurodistrict Eurhena. Young adults aged 18 to 28 from France, Germany, and Switzerland are invited to participate in workshops, conferences, and site visits on the theme of water and collaborate on developing a communication campaign. Registration is open until January 10, 2025.


You can find more events here.


TourEucorTour Eucor

120 participants, 3 countries, over 600 kilometers

eucorfestivalEucor Festival

A festival at the European Campus

altCarte Culture

The Alsatian Culture Pass

NachhaltigkeitszertifikatSustainability Certificate

The Eucor Sustainability Certificate

hocInterdisciplinary Offerings at KIT

Knowledge outside your degree program

careerserviceCareer Service KIT

Support for Internships and Job Search

uniFreiburgKey Qualifications Freiburg

Events at the University of Freiburg

bibuLanguage Courses at KIT

Preparation for Studying Abroad

bibupOfferings of the ZAK at KIT

Center for Applied Cultural Studies and General Studies

plantmasterEUCOR Master Plant Science

International EUCOR Master's Program in Plant Sciences

wiwifachschaftOfferings of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Eucor Information for Economics and Management Students

(This list does not claim to be complete and is continuously updated)