International Coffee Break
May 5 to 15, 2025, 1-4 p.m., Tulla Hall (Building 11.40)
The International Coffee Breaks are the perfect place for students who want to go abroad and for international students who want to arrive in Karlsruhe.
Adventure abroad? Gather information about exchange programs and stays abroad, make contacts with like-minded people and find out how to get from KIT to the rest of the world.
Adventure Karlsruhe? We will help you settle into your new city, put you in touch with important contacts at KIT and show you the opportunities that Karlsruhe has to offer.
Come to the International Coffee Breaks - without obligation, free of charge and with a nice cup of coffee!
Career Service CV Check: Have your CV checked for applications (internship, working student, job)
Meet the Foreigners' Registration Office: Come by and get to know us
Meet the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) of KIT: Offers and support for the organization of your studies
European Mobility Programs: Everything about European mobility programs: German-French double degree programs, EPICUR, Eucor and Erasmus+
In Focus - Erasmus+ Exchange Program: Find out everything you need to know about Erasmus+ and get inspiration for your studies abroad
European Mobility Programs: Everything you need to know about European mobility programs: Franco-German double degree programs, EPICUR, Eucor and Erasmus+
In Focus - EUCOR Program: Find out everything you need to know about the opportunities offered by the EUCOR campus with partners in the Rhine region: University of Strasbourg, University of Colmar Mulhouse, University of Basel
Impulse Workshop Intercultural Competences (HoC): Come along and strengthen your intercultural skills! (free 45-minute workshop)
Meet the House of Competence KIT: Learn how you can benefit from the HoC's soft skills courses
International Buddy Program: Karlsruhe for newcomers: leisure opportunities in the city and the region. Here you can find new ideas, networks and friendships
Study and more! Information booths: Career Service: Advantages of the program “Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe”; AStA International: Meet representatives of the student body, learn more about the political role of students at KIT and how you can get involved; Student Health Lab: Take part in the health quiz; University Sports: There is something to win here; MINT-Kolleg, Language Center, Studienkolleg; International Student Center of the Studierendenwerk; FORUM
Doing your PhD at KIT: Information about the doctorate at KIT
KOOR, MINTernship, Internship
Ask me anything for international degree seeking students: IStO staff will be happy to answer questions from the start of your studies to graduation.
Global Mobility Programs of KIT: Overseas Talks Special: Students report on their stays abroad at various partner universities outside Europe and answer your questions.