International Excellence Talks

International Excellence Grants and FellowshipsJulia Schade

Excellence lives on exchange and networking among the best researchers worldwide. That is why we want to invite you to join us in a new lecture series, International Excellence Talks, where internationally renowned scientists will give insights into their current research topics and, ideally, inspire a broad audience of scholars. This monthly event will include a 30-minute keynote lecture and a platform for networking and informal exchange among researchers with a wide range of interests. Recordings of previous talks can be found at KIT International Excellence Talks YouTube Channel.

Data-driven Load Profiles and the Complex Dynamics of Electricity Consumption

Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 3:00 PM (CEST)


Prof. Dr. Christian Beck


KIT International Excellence Fellow (2024)

• Head of Centre for Complex Systems, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

• International Excellence Fellow at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)


Abstract: Power grids are the biggest machines on Earth. They are also the most complex ones, as they involve human beings and their complex correlated electricity consumption patterns. In this talk I will give some short overview on data-driven research dealing with frequency fluctuations in power grids. Whereas variations in the dynamics of renewable energy generation are reasonably well studied, a deeper understanding of the variations in consumer consumption dynamics is still missing. I will talk about highly resolved residential electricity consumption data of Austrian, German and UK households and introduce a stochastic model to quantitatively capture the highly intermittent demand fluctuations.










In-person event or via Zoom.

Please register your attendance here.



KIT, Campus North, Building 449, Lecture Hall 140

A New Perspective on Complex Network Representation

Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 3:00 PM (CEST)



Assoc. Professor Dr. Cigdem Yalcin

KIT International Excellence Fellow (2023/2024)

• Associate Professor (PhD) of Physics Department in the Faculty of Sciences at Istanbul University

• International Excellence Fellow at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)

Abstract: Numerous real-world systems, whether they are of natural or human origin, display complex interactions and dynamics evolving over time. As well known, transforming time series data into a complex network representation helps to gain a deep understanding of the dynamics underlying the data. In this talk, I will provide an introduction about converting time series to complex networks and then introduce a new approach in the context of physics for converting spatial-temporal series data into a complex network. And as an example study, I will discuss its application to the air quality of various regions in Istanbul, the largest metropolitan city in Turkey with a population of approximately 16 million.


About the talks

In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an email to ieg∂
The lecture series is organized by the International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) of KIT in the framework of the International Excellence Grants Program with funds granted to the University of Excellence concept “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association I Living the Change” in cooperation with the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim.

International Excellence Talks INTL
Archive - Previous Talks

Content and links to recordings of previously held talks. 
