International Excellence Talks

International Excellence Grants and FellowshipsJulia Schade

Excellence lives on exchange and networking among the best researchers worldwide. That is why we want to invite you to join us in a new lecture series, International Excellence Talks, where internationally renowned scientists will give insights into their current research topics and, ideally, inspire a broad audience of scholars. This monthly event will include a 30-minute keynote lecture and a platform for networking and informal exchange among researchers with a wide range of interests. Recordings of previous talks can be found at KIT International Excellence Talks YouTube Channel.

AI and the Future of Research: Stakeholders, Process, and Practices

Monday, January 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM (CET)


Prof. Victoria Stodden

  • Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 
    University of Southern California 
  • International Excellence Fellow of KIT (2025)
  • Humboldt Research Award (2025)



Abstract: In the last 10 years colossal cloud infrastructure investments behind the rise of near-ubiquitous global mobile technologies have trickled down to scientific research through innovative infrastructure including cloud compute and storage, I/O tools, data analysis and modeling frameworks, which in turn have generated broad and expanding communities of users and supporters. Arguably, the recent success of Large Language Models was catalyzed by the resulting technological innovations of 1) open and accessible massive data, and 2) re-executable discovery pipelines for model estimation and prediction. These changes are deeply disruptive to the research community since they open new paths to knowledge creation that were previously inaccessible and largely culturally unknown. The scientific community is faced with the challenge of responding to changes in research modalities due to these technological innovations. Research is now conducted as “Olympics” of benchmarked competitions between machine learning models leveraged by the opaque results of Large Language Models, access to massive data, and redeployment of complex scientific discovery workflows. In this plenary I provide a roadmap of changes and responses by various stakeholders in the research community to ensure that scientific results remain reliable and reproducible, and secure within a position of trust in the broader society.






In-person event and




KIT Campus South, Building 30.10, NTI Lecture Hall





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About the talks

In case you have any questions or would like to receive updates on topics, lecturers and more, please send us an email to ieg∂
The lecture series is organized by the International Scholars and Welcome Office (IScO) of KIT in the framework of the International Excellence Grants Program with funds granted to the University of Excellence concept “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association I Living the Change” in cooperation with the Humboldt-Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim.

International Excellence Talks INTL
Archive - Previous Talks

Content and links to recordings of previously held talks. 
