Help in Emergencies
Help in Emergencies
Unfortunately, we cannot always be there for you, but here you can find some addresses and phone numbers to contact in case of an emergency. Further details can be found here.
Emergency number for life-threatening situations: 112
Europe-wide number, free of charge, no area code needed. -
Police (for fraud, robbery, violence, traffic accidents without injuries): 110
Nationwide in Germany, free of charge, no area code needed. -
Medical on-call service (for non-life-threatening health problems): 116117
Uniform number throughout Germany, free of charge, no area code needed. -
Psychiatric emergencies:
Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine
Phone: 0721 9743710
Address: Kaiserallee 10, 76133 Karlsruhe -
Telephone counseling service (for crises, worries, problems, or suicidal thoughts):
0800 111 0 111 and 0800 111 0 222
Free of charge, anonymous, and available 24/7.
Accident report
In the event of an accident, the Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg (UKBW) covers the costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation. This insurance is free of charge for students. The fees are paid by the state of Baden-Württemberg. Further details can be found here
General Safety
Here you can find general information regarding the topic of safety, such as work safety, environmental safety etc. Furthermore you can find the different contacts of interest for further questions. These websites are only accessible in the KIT-Intranet. (EN/DE) (EN/DE)
Summary of information about general safety.
Health and support in your studies
Here you can find different advisory services for topics such as general study, psychological support, disabilities in your study and a general health blog.
Student advisory services (EN/DE)
Psychological support (EN/DE)
Advisory service for study with a disability (EN/DE)
Health blog with general advice (DE)
List of contacts about study and health related problems (EN/DE)
Here you can find all information in case you experience discrimination or want to engage in doing something against it.