Graduation Grant of IStO at KIT

Information regarding your graduation grant application

Please note: You need a tax identification number (tax ID) so that we can pay you a grant!*

What is the Graduation Grant?

The International Students Office (IStO) offers financial aid for graduation from two funding pools: STIBET I Program of the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) and Internationalization Funds Program of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts (MWK).

The Graduation Grant is a one-time financial support for a limited time in order to prevent a student from dropping out of his/her current study program due to unforeseeable and temporary financial difficulties.
Temporary and guest students are not eligible to apply for this financial aid.

Application deadlines (2025): February 1, April 1, June 1, September 1 and October 15

Eligibility Criteria for Receiving DAAD and MWK Graduation Grants
International students who are enrolled at KIT and have registered or are about to register for their graduation thesis are eligible to apply for this financial aid. It must be proven that support from other sources is not available.

The following criteria must be met:

  • The student has performed well in his/her studies (at least 2.5),
  • the student must be in unforeseen, temporary financial distress** through no fault of his/her own,
  • the student should work a part-time job or explain why this is not possible,
  • the student must be in the last stage of his/her studies. 
*You will receive your tax ID by post a few weeks after registering your residence.
**Financial distress means not being able to meet the cost of living for the following month.
The financial aid can be granted only once per student for up to 6 months at the maximum and will at least amount to 250€ per month.
More information & Application (first save the form, then open and complete)
Note: Applications can only be processed with a signed data protection declaration. Therefore, please send your complete application including the data protection declaration as an encrypted email to finaid∂

Scholarships and general emergency aid

More scholarships

You can find information about other scholarships on the Career Service website:


Financial aid for students in financial distress