Contact Points

Unfortunately, discimination is still part of our everyday lives. It should always be taken seriously.

Below you will find a list of contact points inside and outside KIT that you can turn to.

Name Kurzbeschreibung Telefonnummer/Link
Anti-Discrimination Office of the City of Karlsruhe Free, confidential, anonymous and independent advice on experiences of discrimination, both for those seeking advice and for those indirectly affected, such as relatives, friends or witnesses


phone +49(0) 721 38311932

Leuchtlinie – Counseling for victims of right-wing violence in Baden-Württemberg Leuchtlinie - is a support and contact point for those affected by right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence (assaults on their own person through acts of violence, threats, insults and defamation, harassment or economic damage, etc.) or who have witnessed such an act.


phone +49(0) 711 88899930

adis e.V. Specialist office on the subject of discrimination in Baden-Württemberg with individual counseling for all people who are directly or indirectly affected by discrimination - in the counseling center and online.
mira – with rights at work Mira helps people (refugees and migrants from outside the EU) to integrate fairly into the labor market by informing them about their employment rights and assisting and supporting them in enforcing their rights and entitlements. The advice is free of charge and confidential.


 phone (+49) 0711 98 693 974

Violence against women helpline Here, women affected by violence can receive confidential advice and find out about suitable support facilities.  

phone 116016

Help hotline for violence against men
The helpline is a first point of contact for men affected by violence and their relatives. It provides information about help options. 

phone 0800 1239900 (free of charge)

OFEK Baden-Württemberg OFEK offers and arranges comprehensive counseling in the course of anti-Semitic incidents, psychosocial process support and case-related public relations work.

phone 08006645268 (free of charge)

Telefonseelsorge The telephone counseling service offers everyone a sympathetic ear anonymously on the phone or in the chat in all situations. //

phone 0800.1110111 OR 0800.1110222 (free of charge)

MUSLIM COUNSELING HOTLINE The Muslim Pastoral Care Helpline (MuTes) helps those affected to talk about their problems and supports them in finding individual solutions.


phone +49(0) 30 443 509 821

Die brücke  Die Brücke am Kronenplatz in Karlsruhe offers personal counseling, crisis support and pastoral care. During opening hours, people seeking advice can come in spontaneously and without prior appointment.
You will meet professionally competent and discreet people with whom you can discuss your concerns free of charge. You can remain anonymous and, if necessary, receive information about further psychosocial facilities and advice centers.

phone +49(0) 721 385038

JUUUPORT Juuuport provides teenagers and young adults with confidential advice on internet problems such as cyberbullying,
stress in social networks or
fraud/fraud, also via SMS or WhatsApp.
WEISSER RING The WEISSE RING offers comprehensive help for people affected by crime and is committed to crime prevention.

phone +49(0) 151/55164726

LSBTTIQ BERATUNG BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG It offers qualified peer-to-peer counseling for psychological and social issues for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex or queer. 
HILFE-INFO.DE The portal provides extensive information on victim protection and offers the opportunity to find a victim counseling center nearby
HATEAID HateAid offers victims of digital violence a range of counseling services and funding for legal costs.
POLIZEI BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG The Prevention section contains comprehensive information on victim protection, victims' rights and criminal proceedings.
Detailed information and advice from the police on victim protection can be found on this website.
victim protection can be found.
Initiative Toleranz im Netz Here you will find a list of various institutions where you can report or report hate comments.

Psychological counseling centers Karlsruhe The psychological counseling centers of the city of Karlsruhe and the district of Karlsruhe advise adolescents and young adults (as well as their parents and families) on coping with family conflicts and stress, emotional and social problems, problems in the school and educational context, changed family constellations (e.g. coping with separation and divorce), developmental crises, etc.

City of Karlsruhe:

phone +49(0) 721 133-5360

County of Karlsruhe:

phone +49(0) 721 936 - 67 050