Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER)
The CESAER network includes more than 50 leading universities in science and technology from 25 European countries. Since 1990, the member universities have been pursuing the goal of further developing and improving engineering education in Europe. Since 2019, KIT's Vice President for Innovation and International Affairs, Professor Thomas Hirth, has been part of the Board of Directors representing the members. The President of CESAER is Professor Rik Van de Walle, Rector of Ghent University.
Once a year, member universities meet for a major conference, most recently virtually in October 2020, to discuss the future of science and technology.
Within CESAER, there are twelve working groups, among others on the topics of interdisciplinarity, open science, and benchmarking.
The contact person at KIT for CESAER is Dr. Klaus Rümmele, Head of the International Services Unit (INTL).

The University network welcomes the publication of the pilot call for European Universities, yet pleads for the EU being persistent.
Science networks KIT is taking part in demand to stress excellence and cooperation in the coming Framework Programme for Research & Innovation.
The future of science and technology was discussed by around 50 universities in the European science network CESAER at their annual meeting in October in Bucharest.