Every student who is regularly enrolled at KIT in a study program leading to a university degree (BA, MA, Phd) and who completes the entire study program here is eligible to participate in the ERASMUS+ program - regardless of nationality. Both at the time of application and during the entire stay abroad, enrollment at KIT is required.
Students who study at KIT for a limited period of time within the framework of exchange programs are excluded from participation in ERASMUS+. Furthermore, participation in the program is not possible for ERASMUS Mundus students due to inadmissible double funding.
Academic background
An academically successful study abroad builds on the existence of the most comprehensive possible basic knowledge of your own field of study at your home institution. Therefore, you should have successfully studied four semesters at KIT in the Bachelor before starting your ERASMUS+ stay. You should apply already during the second year of study if you want to go abroad in the 5th or 6th Bachelor semester.
Master students can go abroad from the 1st Master semester on. In this case, the application is made during the Bachelor's degree; you can only apply if you are still enrolled at KIT for your Master's degree.
Language skills
Study abroad requires a solid knowledge of the language of instruction. Therefore, at the time of your application to your faculty subject coordinator, you should be able to demonstrate such knowledge in the language of instruction of your host institution. If the language of instruction differs from the local language, knowledge of the local language is also desirable and, depending on the target institution, mandatory. Most of our partner institutions expect a B1 level, English often higher: B2/C1. The exact requirements of your host institution are listed on our online mask with the different partner institutions.
Click through to your destination. There you will find, among other things, the information about the required language level.
If you do not have a proof of your language level, you can have the language course with the achieved language level entered in your transcript of records at the Language Center (SPZ) after a successful examination (under the point "How do I get ECTS points?"). This will give you a certificate that you can also use for your application to the host institution. It is best to attend one or more language courses before you apply.
For the application for an ERASMUS+ spot at the subject coordination of the respective KIT faculty, the Abitur is normally accepted. The IStO recommends language certificates not older than 2.5 years. In order to apply at the host instituion (i.e. after your nomination by IStO at your host instution) you will need a proper language certificate. Both the language certificates from SPZ resp. the KIT transcript of records (after a successful exam), which lists the language course(s) passed with level, and the DAAD language certificate are usually accepted as proof of language proficiency. Please check the website of your host institution to find out whether specific language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate) are required. Please bear in mind that the dates for the language test for study visits or internships abroad are booked up very quickly. The IStO therefore recommends that you inform yourself and register in good time.
Time and duration
In addition to improving your language skills, acquiring intercultural competencies and broadening your personal horizons, a stay abroad should primarily serve to deepen your academic knowledge. You want to build on your academic knowledge abroad and possibly gain a new perspective on it. Therefore, you should have already acquired a basic knowledge of your field of study at your home university before studying abroad. Bachelor's students should therefore not consider a stay abroad before completing the 2nd year/4th semester; Master's students can study in the host country from the 1st Master's semester onwards.
A one-year stay is recommended (i.e. usually 10 months from September/October to June/July), as you will then complete a full study cycle at a host university often oriented to the academic year. However, one-semester stays are also possible, with a minimum duration of 3 months (= 90 days).
When planning your stay, please note that in the host countries the beginning of the academic year as well as the 2nd term (= our summer semester) is often significantly earlier than at KIT. So that this does not lead to collisions with exam dates, plan early and talk to your examiners.
Application in your department
The selection of candidates and the allocation of exchange places is the sole responsibility of the faculties and is carried out there either by the departmental coordinator or by a selection committee. Therefore, as a first step, you must first apply in your department.
First, find out about the range of collaborations offered by your department. You can find a list of the current partnerships under partner institutions.
You should consult your department's web pages or talk personally with your departmental coordinator to learn about the departmental requirements and deadlines for applying.
Please note the internal application deadlines of your faculty. These are binding for the allocation of ERASMUS+ places and are usually two to four weeks before the application deadline at the International Students Office (for economics on 1.12. of each year). Applicants of study programs belonging to two or more KIT faculties (e.g. Business Mathematics) can voluntarily decide to which faculty they want to apply. This decision must be made at the point of application. Applications to several KIT faculties at the same time are excluded and considered as a reason for exclusion from participation in the program.
As a rule, to apply to the subject coordinator you need:
a letter of motivation
proof of previous academic achievements
proof of language skills
Any additional requirements should be obtained from the subject coordinator.
Only after having been selected as an ERASMUS+ student by your subject coordinator and having agreed the allocated place, the International Students Office will contact you and send the link to the application form by e-mail.
Registration at the International Students Office (IStO)
After you have been selected in your department and assigned an Erasmus spot, you need to register at the following link: Mobility Online. This will secure funding for you from the IStO.
Your personal data and mobility information should be complete by March 1st at the latest for ERASMUS stays in the following academic year. Only then your scholarship will be guaranteed.
Any remaining places for the summer semester of the following academic year will be awarded by August 31st. The application procedure outlined above also applies to remaining places. Please inform yourself about the deadlines of the respective KIT faculty. For the remaining places the scholarship cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, it is recommended to apply between December 01 (WiWi) and mid-February for the following academic year.
If you are interested in studying abroad in Switzerland (Swiss European Mobility Programme - SEMP), the over-written annual application deadline also applies to you. Only ERASMUS Mundus students are excluded from participation in SEMP.
After a successful registration in Mobility Online, the IStO will make the nomination to your target institution. The nomination will happen at least two weeks before the application deadline of the host institution. Once the nomination is done by IStO, you will be notified by email. Find out about the application deadline and procedures in advance on the website of the target institution.
Application at the host institution
Typically, you will need the following documents to apply to your target institution:
Transcript of records (both from Bachelor and Master for Master students): You can download the document from Campus Management in English. You do not need KIT staff signature on the document, as it can be verified online at any time via QR code and link
Language certificate(s): The IStO cannot verify language skills! We can only confirm language skills based on language certificates if the target institution provides a form for this. The Abitur is valid as proof of language proficiency only for the application for an Erasmus place at KIT and not for the application at the host institution. Please also read carefully the information we have written on this website under "Before the stay - prerequisites/language skills".
Letter of motivation
Learning Agreement/ Study plan at the host institution
Confirmation of nomination by KIT: A document confirming your Erasmus status is also available in English in Mobility Online under "Before your stay - optional documents".
You should inform themselves about application deadlines and procedures at the host institution and apply independently in advance.
Leave of absence
You can take a leave of absence for the time of your stay abroad at KIT. However, the time of the leave of absence should not exceed two semesters. During the leave of absence, your study semesters continue to count, the subject semesters are suspended. You are exempted from the obligation to regularly attend lectures, but you may take KIT examination services. This means that examinations and the acquisition of certificates are also permitted during the semester of leave (as of July 2016).
The application for leave of absence is submitted to Studierendenservice. The application must be confirmed by IStO with signature and stamp and - as soon as this is available - submitted to Studierendenservice with the certificate of enrolment from the partner university.To have the application for leave of absence confirmed by the IStO, send it and any necessary supporting documents by mail to erasmus-out∂intl.kit.edu. Find out about deadlines and procedures on the Student Services page linked above.
Multiple funding
Erasmus+ students can spend up to 12 months in another european country per study cycle (Bachelor and Master levels and Doctoral candidates). In principle, students can spend up to a maximum of 36 months abroad funded by ERASMUS+. The funding periods can be individually combined between ERASMUS+ studies (SMS) and ERASMUS+ internships (SMP).
Please note that a minimum stay of 2 months (60 days) is obligatory.
Students who have already received funding in previous programs (ERASMUS/LEONARDO) can also take part in ERASMUS+. The previous stays are credited according to their duration and study cycle.
Participation in ERASMUS+ is not possible for ERASMUS Mundus students due to inadmissible double financing.
Due to this regulation (multiple funding), it is now also possible to carry out the stay abroad in two academic years (summer term + subsequent winter term). At KIT, students have to apply again for ERASMUS+ for the second academic year, even if the stay is at the same university. The decision of the allocation of places is made by the responsible faculty. If the application is submitted in the given deadline, the funding will be paid out by the IStO.
Erasmus+ grant
Students who study abroad as part of ERASMUS+ receive financial support: the so-called mobility grant from the EU. This is a partial scholarship to cover the additional costs abroad. In addition, you don’t have to pay the tuition fee at the host institution.
The amount of the monthly Erasmus+ grant is based on the destination country and varies from year to year. The sums mentioned here are approximately the contributions* that will be paid to you per month:
Country groups acad. year 2024/25 | Country | Grant acad. year 2024/25 |
1 | Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Island, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden, UK | 600 EUR / Month |
2 | Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus | 540 EUR / Month |
3 | Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, North Mazedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary | 540 EUR / Month |
* Contributions change from year to year. Therefore, the financing can be different. You can find the correct amount in the Grant Agreement (GA).
Study visits to Switzerland are financed directly by the Swiss partner university (SEMP).
Please note that with ERASMUS+ funding, a distinction is made between the funding period and the residence period. The "funding period" of a one-semester stay is a maximum of four (or five months only country group 3), a two-semester stay is nine months.
The mobility grant will only be paid if you submit all obligated documents before the deadlines. According to the ERASMUS+ program guidelines, 30 ECTS credits per semester should be achieved by each participant. KIT students must achieve at least 20 ECTS per semester in order to be able to keep the mobility grant. It is therefore recommended that at least 25 to 30 ECTS per semester are included in the Learning Agreement. With less than 20 ECTS per semester in the Transcript of Records (grade report from the partner institution in the end of the stay), the situation must be explained by the students. In consultation with the partnering KIT faculty the IStO will then decide whether the ERASMUS+ grant can be kept. The minimum number of ECTS has nothing to do with the number of ECTS points recognized at KIT. It only refers to the ECTS earned abroad.
Green Travel
Aiming to integrate Erasmus+ into the European Green Deal, the content and scope of the program aims to unlock the potential for ecologic change and reduce its environmental impact. Therefore, all Erasmus+ funded students who travel to and from the Erasmus destination without a car or plane (green mobility) can apply for a subsidy for the additional costs. This support for environmentally friendly travel is to be gradually expanded.
Starting from academic year 2024/25 every green mobility will receive travel days as additional days of stay/funding days on top of the maximum funding period (120 or 240 days).The number of these additional days depends on the distance to the partner institution from KIT:
- 2 days up to 499 km distance
- 4 days up to 2999 km distance
- 6 days more than 3000 km distance
Therefore the maximum funding period (specified in the grant agreement) is 126 days (stay of one semester) or 246 days (stay of two semesters).
The additional travel days will be paid out with the mobility grant on top of the maximum funding days after you have completed a questionnaire provided for this purpose in Mobility Online before the scholarship agreement is issued. In order for the grant to be paid, you must sign a declaration of honor certifying the eco-friendly travel and your willingness to keep the supporting documents for 5 years after the Erasmus stay. Tickets are only randomly requested by the IStO during your mobility.
Special funding
Students with fewer opportunities (students with disabilities, single parents with a child, students with a chronic disease, employed students, students from non-academic families) can receive a subsidy for additional costs (250 euros/month) as part of an ERASMUS+ stay. The last two categories will only be supported by this special funding from Project 2022. The students will receive the top-up amount if they upload the signed declaration to Mobility Online before the scholarships are set. No further evidence is necessary. The IStO will carry out random checks after the summer. In the declaration, the access requirements and the existence of evidence are confirmed by the beneficiary. You also agree to keep this evidence for five years.
Disabled students receive the top-up contribution if they have a degree of disability of 20 or more.
Students with a chronic disease receive the top-up contribution if the chronic disease causes additional financial needs abroad.
Students with child(ren) receive the top-up contribution if at least one child is taken with them during the entire stay abroad. The amount of additional funding is independent of the number of children. It is also possible to apply if your partner is traveling with you; a double support of the child is to be excluded.
Students with non-academic parents receive the top-up contribution if both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or technical college. A degree from a vocational academy that leads to a degree which is comparable to a university degree, is to be regarded as an academic degree. In this context, a master's certificate is not equivalent to an academic degree. Degree programs completed abroad by one or both parents that are not recognized as such in Germany (e.g. physiotherapy) are considered an academic degree, so that there is no entitlement to the top-up amount.
Employed students receive the top-up contribution if the employment is subject to social security contributions (for Erasmus stays starting from academic year 23/24 and beyond, the social security contribution character is not relevant anymore!) and has lasted at least six consecutive months with a temporal reference to the mobility. If the activity is carried out for a longer period of time before the start of the mobility, this is not a criterion for exclusion. The activity is not continued during the stay abroad. A termination is not required as the employment contract can be paused. During period prior to application, the monthly earnings must be above 450 and below 850 Euro (net earnings of all activities per month added up).
If a participant has several target group characteristics (e.g. first academics and working students), the top-up contribution is only payable for one target group characteristic and you will only have to submit the declaration for one target group characteristic.
Further and specific information can be found on the DAAD website: https://eu.daad.de/infos-fuer-einzelpersons/foerderung-fuer-studierende-und-graduierte/sonderfoerderung/de/ (German Version)
We would be happy to advise you on planning an ERASMUS+ stay with special needs. Don't hesitate to come to our office hours or email us at erasmus-out∂intl.kit.edu.
ERASMUS+ and BAföG/other scholarships
Funding from the ERASMUS+ program does not exclude (further) receipt of BAföG. Since the modalities vary from individual to individual, please contact the BAföG office that is responsible for you. You can find a confirmation for the BAföG office in Mobility Online under "Before your stay - optional documents". If you need a signature or any help filling out the form, please come to our office hours or email us.
It is also possible to combine a scholarship with the ERASMUS+ program. In this case, however, the International Students Office reserves the right to adjust the mobility grant to the financial circumstances of the scholarship holder.
You can find more information about special financing options here.
Learning Agreement "Before the mobility"
The Learning Agreement (LA) is the study plan for your ERASMUS+ stay and should be completed in every aspect. It consists out of three parts: "Before the mobility", "During the mobility" and "After the mobility".
Online Linguistic Support - OLS
With ERASMUS+, online language support (so-called OLS – Online Linguistic Support) is offered by the EU Commission. At the beginning and at the end of the stay abroad, all participants have to take online language tests. However, the result of the 1st OLS language test does NOT serve as a selection criterion at the partner institution. After you have received an ERASMUS+ spot, you will automatically be asked to take the 1st OLS language test in June/July or October (for remaining places) by mail. If your native language will be the language of instruction at the host institution, you will not need to take an OLS language test.
However, everyone must confirm their participation in the 1st OLS language test in Mobility Online.
After the 1st language test you can attend an online language course on the OLS platform. The language courses are currently offered in all EU languages. The invitation to language courses is automatically sent if your level in the language of instruction is between A1 and B1 based on your first language test. If the level is B2 or higher after your first language test, you can also choose the online course in the local language in OLS BEFORE the test and automatically get the invitation for the online course in the local language after the test (e.g. you study in Portugal in English, have English-B2 as the result of the online language test and want to improve your English with the language course or learn Portuguese faster).
Safety instruction
This document is intended to inform you about specific sources of information for Germans abroad. It also defines the conditions of a mobility and its termination or interruption. You have to download the safety instruction on Mobility Online, print it, read it, sign it and upload it scanned.
Declaration of honor to green travel
This document is available for download in Mobility Online when the green travel grant has been applied for. The application is made by answering the questions in Mobility Online. The Declaration of Honor must be signed and uploaded in Mobility Online.
Honorary declaration on specific condition
This document is available for download in Mobility Online if the top-up amount has been applied for specific conditions. The application is made by answering the questions in Mobility Online. The Honorary Declaration must be signed and uploaded in Mobility Online.
Grant Agreement (GA oder Stipendienvertrag)
The Grant Agreement essentially explains all rights and obligations associated with the acceptance of the ERAMUS+ spot and the mobility grant. It describes in particular the duration of the mobility period, the amount of the financial support, the payment modalities and references to the student's insurance obligation. This document must reach the IStO in its original form and on paper.
You can download the GA in Mobility Online by mid-July at the latest. It must be printed in duplicate and signed. With a self-addressed envelope, send the two copies no later than TEN DAYS BEFORE your departure to:
International Students Office (IStO)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Adenauerring 2
76131 Karlsruhe
If you do not want/are not able to send the two (2) copies with addressed return envelope, please drop them with an envelope marked "International Students Office - Erasmus OUT" into the mailbox next to the secretary's office door in the IStO (building 50.20, 1st floor, room 106) OR into the KIT mailbox of the Student Services (in the passage between Ehrenhof and Kaiserstr.) In this last case, the documents will reach us via KIT's internal mail. This may take a few days!
In case of intra-European mobility, the participant's national health insurance with the European Health Insurance Card also provides basic insurance coverage for the stay in another EU country. However, this basic insurance coverage may be insufficient, especially if return transport or special medical interventions are required or in case of a mobility abroad. For such cases, supplementary private health insurance may be required.
Liability and accident insurances cover damages caused or suffered by the participant during the stay abroad. Different regulations apply to these insurances in the individual countries. The participant therefore runs the risk of not being covered by the standard conditions if, for example, they are not considered an employee or if they are not formally enrolled at the host institution. In addition to the above insurances, insurance against loss or theft of documents, tickets and luggage is recommended.
Health insurance
If you have health insurance (KV) in Germany, you should also have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The EHIC serves only a basic coverage in EU and EU+ foreign countries (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). In EU and EU+ foreign countries the EHIC guarantees only the treatment like legally insured residents. Costs may only be covered in the amount that would have been incurred in Germany. Repatriation costs to the home country in case of illness, accident, acute treatment and death (repatriation of the body) are not provided for in the EHIC. Statutory health insurance companies pay for treatment in the event of acute illness or accident in an EU member state and in countries with social security agreements. However, only what is due in the host country to the residents insured there will be reimbursed. Return transport to Germany is generally not paid. It is therefore advisable to take out travel health insurance that covers treatment and medication costs as well as return transport in the event of an emergency - both for travel outside and within the EU. The insurance must have been taken out before the start of the trip.
Also, please check if your health insurance covers Covid-19 treatment.
Accident insurance
You can find information on this topic on the page of the Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe. Get advice there if you have any questions.
In general, the following applies: If you go abroad with ERASMUS for studies, an accident insurance is not absolutely necessary but highly recommended. As a student enrolled at KIT, you are also insured abroad for accidents that happen during your free time and on the university campus or on the direct way to or from the university. However, the insurance coverage applies only in specific cases/situations.
If you go abroad for internship with ERASMUS, accident insurance is mandatory!
Third party insurance
You can find information on this topic on the page of the Studierendenwerks Karlsruhe. Get advice there if you have any questions.
If you go abroad with ERASMUS for internship, third-party liability insurance is mandatory!