Facilities at KIT
The Mensa
Mensa is the German word for a students’ cafeteria or canteen. The central Mensa of the KIT Campus South is located at Adenauerring 7, near the Audimax building. Here you can find affordable lunch during weekdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Apart from that, there are also two places called Cafeteria, where you can find basic food and drinks starting from 8 in the morning. One of them is located in the same building as the Mena, the other one in the Chemistry building (30.45)
You will find more information on the website of the Studierendenwerk.
Important: Your KIT-Card not only serves as a student ID, but also as a method of Payment. Some services at the Library as well as food in the cafeterias are only payable with this method, so make sure you put some money on your card. You can find stations for this purpose in the foyer of the Mensa building.
KIT Library
Right next to the Mensa you will find the library of KIT. It offers literature to all the subjects you might study here as well as learning spots for individuals and groups. To make use of this you need to open a library account during the opening hours. Afterwards you can lend books and use the library facilities at any time, even outside its opening hours.
In addition, some faculties also have their own library, specifically for their students. Check out your faculties’ website for that opportunity or ask at your Fachschaft. You can also use the library seatfinder to check for open spots to study.
AStA Printing Service
The student representatives group AStA is offering a printing service on the Campus located in the western part of building 30.81. It is usually the cheapest way to print larger documents like scripts or a thesis.
There are also several copy-shops around the campus as well as the possibility to print with your KIT-Account at the Steinbuch Center for computing (SCC)
In German universities, a „Fachschaft“ is the representation of the students body of a specific faculty. If you have questions regarding the specific classes you want to hear, they are your point of contact. Many of them also gather useful materials like exams of previous semesters that you can borrow or copy.