The KIT was awarded the ERASMUS Charta of Higher Education and committed itself to undertake the actions needed to achive the objectives of the new ERASMUS programme.

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Partner universities
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Infosessions & office hours

Infosessions only in German. Advise regarding ERASMUS+ in English during the online office hours. 

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Before the mobility
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During the mobility
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After the mobility


An ERASMUS+ exchange spot offers many advantages:

  • Support in the preparation of your stay abroad
  • Introduction to your partner institution
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner institution
  • Free online language courses in the "major" languages and/or inexpensive intensive language courses at the partner institution
  • Recognition of academic achievements abroad
  • Mobility grant of up to € 600 per month to cover additional upcoming costs abroad
  • Multiple funding available 

ERASMUS+ Special Funding

Persons with special needs (e.g. disabilities, single parents with children...) can receive a grant for additional costs within the framework of an ERASMUS+ stay.

Further and specific information can be found on the DAAD website:

This applies to all ERASMUS+ mobility lines (study, internships, mobility for teaching purposes and mobility for further education and training purposes). We are happy to advise you on planning an ERASMUS+ stay with special needs. Please do not hesitate to come to our office hours or contact us by e-mail at erasmus-out∂


Equal opportunities at KIT

KIT upholds and promotes the realization of equal opportunities in all areas of research, studies, teaching, innovation and administration and sees equal opportunities as a consistent guiding principle in all areas of activity.

Detailed information on equal opportunities can be found in the statutes for equal opportunities for women and men at KIT (OV) and in the equal opportunities plan (OV).

Equal opportunities are a central concern of KIT and the following services are available to ensure this: