Study certificate from the KIT
If you participate in the ERASMUS program, you must remain enrolled at KIT for the entire duration of your mobility. To enable the IStO to check this, you must download your current certificate of enrollment from KIT as a PDF from Campus Management and upload it to Mobility Online. Please note the following:
Stays starting in August and ending in March (WS) or year-round stays (WS+SS) → upload KIT study certificate from WS.
Stays starting in January and ending in July (SS) → upload KIT study certificate from SS.
Certificate of Attendance (CoA)
Learning Agreement "Before the mobility" with all signatures
If the digital Learning Agreement (LA) was only confirmed with your signature and the signature of the subject coordinator of your KIT faculty before your departure, your host institution must reject or accept the DLA in Mobility Online. If this does not happen, unfortunately no 1st installment can be paid out.
Learning Agreement "Changes during the mobility"
You enter the changes (deleted and added courses), confirm them and the DLA "Changes During the Mobility" will first be checked by your KIT faculty and if it is OK, it will be forwarded digitally to the partner university.
Certificate of Departure (CoD)
Template for personal experience report
Preparation and arrival
Life and organization at the university
Courses with description
Recognition procedure
Free time
Contacts and integration
Self-development and conclusion
At KIT, the mobility grant is not paid out monthly, but in two installments.
First installment
The first payment is made in October/November of each academic year (or March/April for the summer semester) and corresponds to approximately 80% of the expected total funding. It is linked to the submission of the Grant Agreement (this is made available on Mobility Online in June/July for ERASMUS stays in the winter semester or winter and summer semester and in November/early December for ERASMUS stays in the summer semester) and security instructions, KIT enrollment certificate, Certificate of Attendance and the Learning Agreement signed by all three parties.
The deadlines for submitting the documents for payment of the 1st installment are as follows:
Stays starting in August and ending in March (WS) or year-round stays (WS+SS) → September 15 and October 15
Stays with start from January and until July (SS) → January 20, February 15 and March 15.
In all cases, the transferred amount will only be in your account after 2 weeks from the dates listed above.
Second installment
The second installment will be paid at the end of the study abroad program, after receipt of all scholarship-relevant documents (Certificate of Departure, personal experience report in digital and paper form, Transcript of Records) and participation in the 2nd OLS language test and EU online questionnaire (invitation will be sent by e-mail). The documents for the 2nd installment are described in detail on the following page: After the stay.
Please note! Any overpayments (e.g. due to a shortened stay due to illness) will be reclaimed by the IStO. You must also expect to be reimbursed if the documents relevant to the scholarship are not submitted to the IStO on time or if the 20 ECTS credits earned abroad per semester are not achieved.
Funding for stays within the framework of the SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Program)
Funding for stays in SWITZERLAND (SEMP) is the responsibility of the host university, not the KIT ERASMUS team. Therefore, you only need to upload or enter your Learning Agreement (LA), the safety instructions, the certificate of enrollment from KIT, any changes to your LA, your experience report and your transcript of records (TOR) from the host university in Mobility Online.
Check with the partner university (PHS) whether you can stay longer as an ERASMUS+ student. This decision lies with the PHS, as you have initially only been nominated for one semester. Afterwards, please obtain the approval of your faculty coordinator at KIT. Once both the PHS and your KIT faculty have agreed, we will confirm our agreement for the extension by e-mail to your contact at the host university. Send the e-mail address of the contact person at your host university to erasmus-out∂intl kit edu.
You must conclude a new Learning Agreement (LA) for the second semester, which must be signed by both the partner university and your faculty coordinator in Karlsruhe; i.e. you must also coordinate the extension in your faculty (can be done by e-mail). Please remember that you must return at least 20 ECTS credits per semester.
As things stand at present, we cannot guarantee you a scholarship for the summer semester, but you would of course have all the other ERASMUS benefits. After the submission of the new LA, we will certainly inform you whether funding for the extension is possible.