eucorResearch Data Management Workshop (RDM)

The RDM workshop on January 28 and 29, 2025, at KIT is aimed at researchers, doctoral students, IT staff, and project managers. Topics include RDM with Kadi4Mat, the Chemotion ELN, and the use of the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi) for micro- and nanotechnologies. Focus areas: efficient data management, FAIR data publication, and access to key technologies such as TEM and 3D printing.

eucorWassercampus 2025: Call for Applications

From January 31 to February 2, 2025, the cross-border "Wassercampus" will take place in Freiburg im Breisgau, organized by the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace and the Eurodistrict Eurhena. Young adults aged 18 to 28 from France, Germany, and Switzerland are invited to participate in workshops, conferences, and site visits on the theme of water and collaborate on developing a communication campaign. Registration is open until January 10, 2025.

eucorHydrogen Career Day in Strasbourg

The University of Strasbourg invites students to a trinational event on November 27, 2024. Eucor students from Germany, France, and Switzerland can attend lectures, a fair, and networking events.

eucor80th anniversary of the liberation of Strasbourg

On November 23, 2024, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Strasbourg will be celebrated with an event attended by French President Emmanuel Macron. German and French students are invited to honor Franco-German friendship through an official ceremony, cultural activities, and opportunities for exchange.

eucorEucor Get-Together

The Eucor Get-Together on November 29, 2024, in Freiburg offers students from the Eucor universities a day full of culture, fun, and encounters. From 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, participants can look forward to a colorful program at the MensaBar with stage performances, delicious food, and the opportunity to make new friends.
The registration deadline is November 10. Travel expenses will be reimbursed.

eucorCall for Applications: German-French Journalism Project for Students

The German-French media and blog project "Voices Against Racism and Populism" is aimed at combating hate and prejudice in everyday life and on the internet. It addresses the influence of populist movements and racist attitudes on social division. Students are invited to actively participate in online journalism as part of an educational editorial team from October 22 to December 15, 2024.

eucorEucor Infostand

Would you like to join us for a chat about Eucor over coffee or tea?

You can get information on Eucor mobility and the offers from Eucor on the following dates from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the Adenauerring cafeteria:

October 29
November 20
December 10

Come by, we look forward to seeing you!

eucorIntercultural French Workshop for Employees

On October 17, 2024, the KIT invites employees to the Eucor Intercultural French Seminar in cooperation with the Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand Karlsruhe Foundation. The seminar will focus on intercultural topics and communication training in French. Employees can take advantage of the Eucor staff mobility program for further training and cooperation at Eucor partner universities.

eucorIntercultural French Workshop Series for Employees

Eucor at KIT is organizing a communication training in cooperation with the Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand Karlsruhe Foundation. The course is aimed at KIT employees who wish to improve their French language skills. Starting on November 4, 2024, the event will take place over 6 sessions of 90 minutes each. The prerequisite for participation is a B1 language level. Registration is open until September 30.

eucorTrinationale Fall School

The trinational Fall School on "Transdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Water Use: Case Studies from the Upper Rhine" will take place from October 7 to 11, 2024, at the Université de Strasbourg. It is aimed at 20 doctoral and master's students. Participants will learn transdisciplinary methods for the sustainable management of inland waters and work in teams to develop solutions to issues such as river restoration and water use conflicts. Applications must be submitted by July 12, 2024.

eucorSeed Money Call 2024

Eucor – The European Campus has announced the 2024 Seed Money call to support cross-border projects among member universities. Projects can focus on either Education or Research, Innovation, and Transfer.

A total of €300,000 is available, with funding of up to €60,000 per project. Projects can start from February 1, 2025, and should have a maximum duration of 24 months. Applications must be submitted by September 16, 2024, at 5:00 PM CET.

Eucor KitSustainability University Days 2024

The Sustainability University Days will take place on Friday, June 21 from 11 AM to 7 PM in Freiburg, organized by the Student Sustainability Office. Look forward to a diverse program with lectures, workshops, and excursions on the theme "Sustain.Ability. - No Sustainability without Justice" in English.

eucorIntercultural Olympics

Would you like to dive into the heart of Strasbourg's culture through various challenges while meeting students from other Eucor universities?

Then participate in the Intercultural Olympics! The event will take place on Tuesday, June 11th, in Strasbourg and promises a day full of cultural discoveries and encounters!

eucorHybrid seminar: Developing real-world experiments to foster sustainability transformations in cities

From July 2nd to July 6th, 2024, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), in collaboration with the University of Basel, will host the hybrid block course "Developing real-world experiments to foster sustainability transformations in cities – exploration, analysis, and design." The course will be conducted in English, is open to all Eucor students, and offers the opportunity to earn up to 5 ECTS credits. Registration is open until June 12th, 2024, via email.

eucorEucor-Olympiade in Freiburg

In celebration of the Olympic Games, an intercultural Eucor sports event will take place in Freiburg on May 31, 2024, for sports-enthusiastic Eucor students. Participation is free, and transportation will be provided by bus.

eucorInformation booth: Study in Europe

On May 14, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., there will be an information booth in front of the Mensa am Adenauerring with information  on study programmes in Europe.

There will be opportunities for advice and exchange on Erasmus, double degrees and the university alliances Eucor and EPICUR.

eucorTrinational KTUR Summer School Entrepreneurship

The trinational KTUR Summer School taking place from August 26 to 30, 2024, is aimed at all students from the Eucor universities and the Upper Rhine region who are interested in starting businesses. Participants will also have the opportunity to expand their trinational network. The Summer School is jointly hosted by the universities of Strasbourg and Freiburg, as well as the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. Applications are open until May 31.

eucorPhD Skill-Up

The University of Strasbourg invites PhD students from all Eucor universities to the third edition of the PhD Skill-Up Bootcamp in Strasbourg, from May 23 to 25, 2024. The bootcamp is designed for PhD students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation who want to learn how to develop and implement projects in interdisciplinary teams. Registrations are open until April 7.

eucorEucor Information Booth

Would you like to chat with the Eucor team at KIT over coffee or tea and ask your questions directly?

Then find us on April 23 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in the foyer of the cafeteria at Adenauerring.

Come by, we look forward to seeing you!

EucorDeutsch-französische Theaterwoche


Vom 21. bis 28. April 2024 findet in Strasbourg eine interkulturelle Theaterwoche statt, organisiert vom Crous de Strasbourg und den Studierendenwerken Freiburg und Karlsruhe. Unter dem Leitthema „Leidenschaft - Geduld - Kraft“ nehmen Studierende an Theaterworkshops von Thealingua teil, um Sprachen kreativ zu erleben und den kulturellen Austausch mit Nachbarländern zu fördern. Die Woche endet mit einer öffentlichen Aufführung am 27. April um 18 Uhr im Veranstaltungssaal von La Pokop in Strasbourg.

atzenEucor Science Slam Workshop

Am 24. März 2024 findet ein Eucor Science Slam Workshop im deutsch-französischen Kulturzentrum Art'Rhena statt. Das Angebot richtet sich an Masterstudierende und Promovierende aller fünf Eucor-Mitgliedsuniversitäten.

Unter der professionellen Anleitung des zweisprachigen Musikduos Zweierpasch lernen die Teilnehmenden, wie sie wissenschaftliche Themen einem Laienpublikum vermitteln können. Eine Anmeldung ist bis zum 10. März möglich.

TourEucorTour Eucor 2024: Anmeldung offen


Die Tour Eucor lädt vom 24.-29. Juni 2024 zu einer fünftägigen Radtour durch die Oberrheinregion ein, die alle fünf Eucor Universitäten verbindet. Die Tour ist offen für alle Fahrradbegeisterten, die neue Städte erkunden möchten. Start und Ziel sind in Karlsruhe, mit Stationen in Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Basel und Freiburg. Abendprogramme bereichern die Tour. Anmeldungen sind bis zum 3. März.

Eucor KITTag der Deutsch-Französischen Freundschaft

Am 22. Januar feiern wir den Tag der Deutsch-Französischen Freundschaft zum 61 Jahr der Unterzeichnung des Élysée-Vertrags.

Zusammen mit dem Studierendenwerk, Erasmus und der Deutsch-Französischen Initiative gibt es einen Infostand im Foyer der Mensa am Adenauerring zwischen 11:30 bis 14:00 Uhr. Schaut gern vorbei und tauscht euch bei Kaffee, Tee und Muffins mit uns aus.

EucorEucor Winter School: Digital Healthcare Entrepreneurship

Bei der Digital Healthcare Entrepreneurship School (19. – 23.02.2024) kommen Studierende aus verschiedenen Universitäten zusammen, um ihr Wissen über digitales Entrepreneurship im Gesundheitswesen zu vertiefen. Die Veranstaltung wird vom Karlsruher Institut für Technologie in Kooperation mit den Universitäten Basel und Straßburg ausgerichtet. Bewerbungsschreiben und Lebenslauf bis 1. November 2023 an sascha.weimar@kit.edu

Eucor KITSemaine franco-allemand / Deutsch-französische Woche

Die Eucor-Zelle der Universität Straßburg kündigt ein interaktives Seminar zur Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit und des Verständnisses der Europäischen Union an, das am 25. und 26. Januar 2024 stattfinden wird. Das Seminar bietet Konferenzen, Museumsbesichtigungen und einen Besuch des Europarates an und ist Teil der deutsch-französischen Woche, wobei aus jeder Eucor-Universität zehn Studierende teilnehmen können. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, inklusive Verpflegung und Unterkunft, und Studierende können eine Erstattung der Reisekosten beantragen. Die Anmeldung gilt bis zum 12. Januar.
