Subject Coordinators at KIT
The subject coordinators are the contact persons for incoming and outgoing students in academic matters such as e.g. recognition of examination results abroad, learning agreements.
To make an appointment with the subject coordinator responsible for you, please send him/her an e-mail directly.
KIT-Faculty of Architecture
Subject coordinator: | Dr.-Ing. Judith Reeh |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Silke Marx 0049 (0)721 608-42155 Englerstrasse 7, Building 20.40, Room 139 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: | |
KIT-Faculty for Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences
Civil Engineering
Subject coordinator: | Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Angelika Fels 0049 (0)721 608-42201 Otto-Ammann-Platz 1, Building 10.81, R. 128 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: |
Applied Geosciences
Subject Coordinator: | Lisa Schäfer |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Lisa Schäfer Phone +49 721 608-44172 |
Office hours: |
Mon 11:00 - 12:00 (continuous) |
Website: |
Geography and Geoecology
Subject coordinator: | Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schmidtlein |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Christophe Neff 0049 (0)721 608-43481 Kaiserstrasse 12, Building 10.50, R. 807 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: |
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Subject coordinator: |
Dr. Hendrik Andersen |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Dr. Hendrik Andersen E-mail: hendrik.andersen∂
Phone: +49 721 608-26550 or 41361 Building 435, R. 108 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: |
KIT-Faculty for Chemistry and Bioscience
Subject coordinator: | Dr. Axel Gbureck |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Axel Gbureck 0049 (0)721 608-48368 Building 30.45, R 125 |
Office hours: | Tuesdays 15:00-16:00 or by appointment |
Subject coordinator: |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Diepold |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Diepold +49 (0)721 608-45610 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: | |
KIT-Faculty for Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering
Subject coordinator: | Prof. Dr. Steffen Grohmann |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Marion Gärtner |
Office hours: | Prof. Dr. Steffen Grohmann: Tuesdays 14:00 - 15:30 Marion Gärtner: Contact by e-mail or telephone |
Website | |
KIT-Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Specialist coordination: | Gisela Schlüter, Anastasia Wandler |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Gisela Schlüter, Anastasia Wandler +49 (0)721 608-47516/-42469/-42746 Building 10.91, Room 223.1
Office hours: | By appointment |
Website: | KIT - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT) - International - Erasmus |
KIT-Faculty for Computer Science
Fachkoordinator: | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert |
Kontaktperson für Incomings/Outgoings: |
Christine Glaubitz 0049 (0)721 608-44042 Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 125 |
Sprechzeiten: | Dienstags 14:00-15:00 Uhr |
Webseite: | |
KIT-Faculty for Humanities and Social Science
Institute for Technology Futures (Euclid/Philosophy & Ethics)
Subject Coordinator: | Magdalene Follner magdalene.follner∂ |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Dr. Christoph Schmidt-Petri 0049 (0)721 608-42149 Institute of Philosophy, Kollegium am Schloss, Building II, Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: | |
Institute for German Studies (WMK)
Subject Coordinator: | Magdalene Follner magdalene.follner∂ |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Monika Hanauska |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: | |
Institute for German Studies (Germanistik)
Subject Coordinator: | Magdalene Follner magdalene.follner∂ |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Antonia Eder 0049 (0)721 608-44795 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Institute for Vocational Education and General Pedagogy
Subject Coordinator: | Magdalene Follner magdalene.follner∂ |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Daniela Reimann |
Office hours: | by appointment |
KIT-Faculty für Mechnical Engineering
International Representative: | Prof. Dr. Carsten Proppe |
Subject coordinator: |
Sarah Witte Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kaiserstrasse 12, Building 10.23, R. 706, 76128 Karlsruhe |
Office hours: | Tuesdays 2-4pm & Thursdays 10am-12pm |
Website: | |
KIT-Faculty for Mathematics
Specialist coordinator: | Dr. Daniel Weiß |
Contact person for incoming/outgoing students: |
Dr. Daniel Weiß erasmus ∂does-not-exist.math kit edu 0049 (0)721 608-43840 Englerstraße 2, Building 20.30, Room 3.043 |
Office hours: | Thursdays 3 p.m. |
KIT-Faculty for Physics
Subject coordinator: | Prof. Dr. Bernd Pilawa |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Pilawa 0049 (0)721 608-43452 Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, Building 30.23, Room 1/15 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
Website: | |
KIT-Faculty for Sport and Sports Science
Subject coordinator: | Dr. Janina Krell-Rösch |
Contact person for incomings/outgoings: |
Dr. Janina Krell-Rösch 0049 (0)721 608- 41664 Engler-Bunte-Ring 15, Building 40.40, Room 213a |
Office hours: | Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 or by appointment |
Website: | |
KIT-Faculty for Economics
Auslandsbeauftragter: | Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis |
Fachkoordinator: | Lorene Dobrinoff |
Kontaktperson für Incomings/Outgoings: |
Lorene Dobrinoff International.relations∂ 0049 (0)721 608 48582 Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz, |
Sprechzeiten: | Dienstags 14:00-15:00 oder später nach Vereinbarung |
Webseite Incoming: | |
Webseite Outgoing: | |