International Competence Certificate (ZIK)

Zertifikat Internationale Kompetenz

Students interested in working in an international environment in future will have to acquire the corresponding competencies and to present proofs of them. The ZIK certifies international competencies acquired by students during studies.

The certificate may be obtained by foreign and German exchange students, students of double-degree programs, Erasmus students, temporary students, and students planning studies abroad. Students coming to KIT from abroad can acquire two different certificates:

  • The International Competence Certificate focuses on internationality, that is on international experiences.
  • Students wishing to prove their competencies relating to Germany are recommended to go for the Zertifikat Deutschlandkenntnisse (ZDeK, knowledge of Germany certificate).

Which Qualifications Do Students Have to Acquire?

The International Competence Certificate covers four modules. To pass these modules, students have to successfully complete one course per module. The courses are indicated on the flyer.

The credits obtained may be included in the total grade.

The flyer can be printed out and submitted to the office concerned.


By attending a one-semester language course at KIT’s Language Center (SpZ, Sprachenzentrum) or Studienkolleg (StK), students can learn a foreign language or improve their language knowledge to prepare for a stay abroad. After attending the language course, students receive two ECTS credits at least. Further information on courses offered and on registration can be found on the website of the Language Center.

As an alternative, foreign students can join a one-semester German language course at Studienkolleg of at least 4 ECTS credits parallel to their studies. For information on the German courses offered and on registration, see the website of Studienkolleg.

Your contact person for Module 1:

Ms. Ksenija Fazlic-Walter
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 312
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 44903
Email: ksenija.fazlic-walter∂ 

Every semester, the Forum (Studium Generale. Forum Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft) offers various intercultural training courses, where students are imparted the theoretical basis of their international skills.
To be granted the certificate, students have to attend a intercultural training course of Forum of at least two credits. You can find options for this here.

More information can be found on the website of Forum.

The House of Competence (HoC) also offers several intercultural training courses every semester. These courses cover theory as well as application of the lessons learned for own acting.

To be granted the certificate, students have to choose an intercultural training course of at least two credits, e.g.

  • Online course: “Interkulturelle Kompetenz – Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder“ (intercultural competence – basis and application)
  • Interkulturalität im Klassenzimmer (intercultural classroom – language-sensitive teaching)
  • Interkulturelle Kompetenz für alle (intercultural competence for everybody)

For further information on the course, click the website of  HoCOther intercultural training courses are offered by Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, including the block seminar "Interkulturelle Arbeit für Tutoren" (intercultural work for tutors).

Your contact persons for Module 2:

At Forum:

Dr. Christine Mielke
Campus South, InformatiKOM, Adenauerring 12, 2.OG, 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 46920
Email: christine.mielke∂

At HoC:

Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz
Fritz-Erler-Str. 23, 76133 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-45847
Email: alexa.kunz∂

At Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe (STW):

Ms. Iris Buchmann
Adenauerring 7, 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 6909 204
Email: iris.buchmann∂

A stay abroad will enhance your international competence. It is covered by Module 3.

Module 3 can be completed successfully by going abroad for at least six weeks for e.g.:

A stay abroad of regular international students will only be recognized, if it took place outside of Germany or outside of the student’s home country or country of origin. Exception: In case the university entrance certificate or a degree certificate was obtained abroad, this may be counted as a stay abroad. Exchange students studying one to two semesters at KIT are free to have their stay at KIT considered as a semester abroad. For Module 3, students have to report their experience in writing after their stay abroad. Information on how to write this report can be found on the websites of the respective exchange program (ERASMUS/overseas/PROMOS). If students stayed abroad outside of such a program, they can still use the templates and information given there.

Contact persons for the recognition of Module 3:

For studies in Europe: Marco Martori
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 109
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 44912
Email: marco.martori∂

For studies outside of Europe: Ms. Cornelia Stoll
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 001
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 44883
Email: cornelia.stoll∂

For all other stays abroad:

The respective contact person or

Dr. Uta Brückner-Nieder
Campus Süd, Geb. 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: uta.brueckner-nieder∂


For recognitions of activities under Module 4, the activity must be of intercultural character. Scientific internships abroad cannot be recognized, whereas intercultural work during a stay at a partner university or at the home town abroad is recognized. The activity must have a duration of six months at least.


  • Bringing together international and German students (e.g. international buddy program)
  • Work in university groups and other organizations outside of KIT, which are active on an international level. Work in many of KIT’s university groups meets this requirement, e.g. at EWB, Zugvögel, ESN, ESTIEM, VWI-ESTIEM, AIESEC, AEGEE 
  • Work to support refugees
  • Being a house representative in a student residence with a high share of international students
  • Work as a tutor at Studienkolleg or to support foreign students
  • Assistance in the Eucor-Student Council or at Student projects within the framework of Eucor

However, students can also work on a project not mentioned here. The program coordinator will inform you as to whether your project fulfills the requirements of Module 4.

Contact person for the recognition of Module 4:

Dr. Uta Brückner-Nieder
Campus South, Building 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: uta.brueckner-nieder∂


Annette Seiter
Campus South, Geb. 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: annette.seiter∂


When Is the Certificate Granted? 

For Modules 1 and 2, you will need a signature on the flyer by the persons responsible for the courses you joined. Alternatively, you can send a transcript of records to the program coordinator.

Module 3: After completing your studies in Europe or overseas, inform the contact person for Module 2. He or she will send the confirmation to the program coordinator. Other types of stays abroad may be confirmed by the responsible person. Send or hand this confirmation over to the program coordinator. Important: The duration and type of the stay abroad must be obvious from the confirmation.

Module 4: Present your certificates to the program coordinator at the International Students Office or mail them. Again, the duration and type of activity must be obvious from the certificate.

After students have presented or sent the completed flyer or other certificates to the program coordinator, they will be granted the International Competence Certificate by the International Students Office. During the pandemic, inform the program coordinator of your mail address. He/she will then send the International Competence Certificate to you by ordinary mail.


Issue of the certificate, contact person for general aspects and questions relating to Modules 3 and 4.

Internationals Affairs
International Students Office (IStO)
Contact: Dr. Uta Brückner-Nieder
Campus South, Building 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: uta.brueckner-nieder∂


Studienkolleg (StK) / Sprachenzentrum (SpZ)
Contact: Ksenija Fazlic-Walter
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 312
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-44903
Email: ksenija.fazlic-walter∂




Dr. Christine Mielke
Campus South InformatiKOM, Adenauerring 12, 2.OG, 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 46920
Email: christine.mielke∂

House of Competence (HoC)

Contact: Dr. Alexa Maria Kunz   
Fritz-Erler-Str. 23, 76133 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-45847   

Email: alexa.kunz∂   


International Affairs
International Students Office (IStO)

Contact person for studies in Europe: Marco Martori 
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 109
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-44912
Email: marco.martori∂

Contact person for studies outside of Europe: Cornelia Stoll
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 001
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-44883
Email: cornelia.stoll∂

Contact person for all other stays abroad: Dr. Uta Brückner-Nieder
Campus South, Building 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: uta.brueckner-nieder∂


International Affairs
International Students Office (IStO)

Contact: Dr. Uta Brückner-Nieder
Campus South, Building 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: uta.brueckner-nieder∂

International Affairs
International Students Office (IStO)

Contact person for the Buddy Program: Annette Seiter
Campus South, Building 01.90, International Student Hub, Kaiserstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-44926
Email: buddy∂

International Affairs
Office of the German-French Initiative (KIT-DeFI)

Contact person: Susanne Kaliwe
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building. 50.20, room 107
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-46821
Email: defi∂

Studienkolleg (StK)/Language Center (SpZ)
Contact person:
Ksenija Fazlic-Walter
Adenauerring 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, building 50.20, room 312
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-44903
Email: ksenija.fazlic-walter∂