- Portal
- Cooperations & Projects
- Networks & Alliances
- Eucor at KIT
- Upcoming Events
- Event Archive
- Erster Eucor-Stammtisch
- 80. Jahrestag der Befreiung Straßburgs
- Exkursion nach Basel
- Tour Eucor 2024
- Eucor Olympiade 2024
- First Eucor Dinner in Karlsruhe
- Eucor excursion to Strasbourg
- Eucor Intercultural French Workshop for Staff
- Interdisciplinary Student Research Lab in the Upper Rhine Region
- Tour Eucor 2023
- Eucor language course in Karlsruhe and Strasbourg
- Eucor information booth at the start of the summer semester
- Excursion to Colmar
- Information booth for Europe Day
- German-French Theater Workshop
- Visit from Strasbourg at KIT
- Conclusion of the Eucor Knitting Workshop
- German-French Theater Workshop