Applying for a place in a bachelor’s program

Applying for a place in a bachelor’s degree course at KIT is possible only once a year (for the winter semester). The online application portal opens on May 15th. The applicants have time to apply online between May 15 and July 15th. To apply in subjects with admission restrictions (NC), you must also register on Afterwards the data has to be transmitted online. All documents need to be submitted in the application portal online as PDF-files.

Application deadline winter semester: 15th July

The application has to be sent online on July 15th at the latest! Applications cannot be sent after the 15th of July. Please note: international students degree programs without NC (admission restrictions) also have the 15th July as an application deadline, only German and EU applicants have extended application deadlines for degree programs without admission restrictions!

Applications for the Studienkolleg (preparatory college, German course in preparation for studying, preparatory course for the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung; FSP)) are possible for the summer and winter semester:

Application deadline winter semester: 15th July 
Application deadline summer semester: 15th January

You can check if you need the FSP in the DAAD database.


Where and how to apply

International applicants who are citizens of third countries (countries which are not members of the EU / EEA), international applicants with a certificate of assessment

The International Students Office is responsible for applicants of foreign nationality (non-EU-citizenship e.g. Albania, Egypt, Brazil, China…). Graduates of the preparatory colleges (with certificate of the assessment test – FSP does not make you a Bildungsinländer, that is a foreign national who has attained a German university level entrance qualification) with a non-EU citizenship are the responsibility of the International Students Office!

Regarding application, admission and enrollment please refer to the homepage of the International Students Office. The information provided by the Studierendenservice does not apply to you!

Applicants with EU- or EEA- citizenship, international applicants with German university entry qualifications (Abitur):

Please note: EU applicants, German applicants with foreign qualifications and international applicants with German Abitur (ONLY the German Abitur – FSP is not a German Abitur!) apply to the Studierendenservice.

Regarding application, admission and enrollment please refer to the homepage of the Studierendenservice. The information provided by the International Students Office does not apply to you! 


Status Applying for Responsibility
EU / EEA applicants Preparatory college: preparation for the assessment test  Studierendenservice
EU / EEA applicants A German course preparing for the university course  Studierendenservice
EU / EEA applicants A bachelor’s degree program  Studierendenservice
German applicants with foreign qualifications A bachelor’s degree program  Studierendenservice
International applicants with German Abitur (Bildungsinländer)* A bachelor’s degree program  Studierendenservice
International applicants outside of EU Preparatory college: preparation for the assessment test International Students Office
International applicants outside of EU A German course preparing for the university course  International Students Office
International applicants outside of EU A bachelor’s degree program International Students Office

*The assessment test is NOT a German Abitur; holders of a FSP-certificate therefore do NOT count as Bildungsinländer (foreign national who has attained a German university level entrance qualification)!


Application deadline

Applicants from non-EU-countries who apply through the International Students Office have the following application deadlines:

15th July for the winter semester

15th January for the summer semester (it is not possible to apply for the first semester; only higher semesters. German course in preparation of studying and preparatory course for FSP)

Please note: for German applicants and EU applicants there are extended application deadlines (until March or September) for some subjects. International students from third countries do not have these extended deadlines!


Application process

After you have applied online your documents are checked by the International Students Office.

If you apply for a degree course with admission restrictions (Numerus Clausus / “NC”) your application will undergo an additional selection procedure, the so-called ranking. Since there are a limited number of places available for students in the NC courses, only the best applicants, according to the ranking, receive a place. For applications in NC subjects, registration via is additionally required. As soon as you apply for at least one subject with NC at KIT, you must enter the BID you receive from Hochschulstart in the field provided in each of your applications.  

After the application deadline you will receive the answer concerning admission or rejection within four weeks at the latest. For applications for NC subjects, you will receive this information on Please prioritise your applications at Hochschulstart before the end of the coordination procedure. You can obtain further information at the DoSV-Flyer of the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)

If you want to start your degree programme in a subject without admission restrictions, you must apply for enrolment in the Applicant Portal. 


Application documents

In order to be able to study at a German university, you have to provide proof of a university entrance qualification. Information on the classification of your certificate can be found in the Information System for the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications (in German only). Depending on the country where the school-leaving certificate was achieved, additional documents might have to be submitted in addition to the school-leaving certificate. For this reason, please refer to the database mentioned above to find out which documents you have to submit in addition to your school-leaving certificate.

Application documents for a bachelor’s degree program at KIT

  • School-leaving certificate (certificate and grades) in the original language
  • Official translation of the school-leaving certificate (certificate and grades)
  • Country-specific additional documents
    For some countries additional certificates have to be submitted: e.g. university entrance examination and/or proof of previous university performance (proof of enrollment, list of courses completed so far with grades and semester, the so-called Transcript of Records). Find out which documents are necessary when applying from your home country via the Information System for the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications (in German only).
  • Proof of German skills: Proof of level B1 (GER) through: confirmation of participation in the B1 course (does not have to be finished yet), other language certificates B1 (GER).
    Note: proof of B1 is recommended for an application, enrollment however can only take place if you show a DSH-2-certificate until the start of lectures (or one of its recognized equivalents).

Only translations into German or English are recognized. Translations are only accepted if they have been signed and stamped by a certified translator. Translations from abroad have to be certified either by a notary or the German embassy / consulate. The original translations must be presented only at enrollment.

Original document:
At enrollment the original documents (not certified copies!) have to be presented.


Study requirements: University entrance qualification

In order to be able to study at a German university, you have to provide proof of a university entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung; HZB).

For some countries a school-leaving certificate is directly recognized as a university entrance qualification in Germany. However, in many cases, a university entrance exam and /or a successful year of study at a university in the home country and / or the German assessment test must be proven with valid documents in addition to the school-leaving certificate to start a bachelor’s program in Germany. You can check the country-specific rules in in the admission database of the DAAD or on the Anabin page (in German only) of the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen - ZAB).


Please note:

Bachelor’s degree abroad:
If you have already completed a bachelor's degree at a recognized university abroad, you usually have a university entrance qualification for all subjects. For your application in this case, you need evidence of your bachelor’s degree (certificate and Diploma Supplement / Transcript of Records).

Previous studies at a university in Germany:
If you have studied at least one semester in Germany please pay attention to the information concerning a change of university.

Higher semesters:
If you have already studied one or several semesters abroad or in Germany, you can also apply for a higher semester. If you studied in Germany before, applying for a higher semester is mandatory in some cases. Please therefore refer to the following link in case of previous studies in Germany.


Study requirements: course specific

Subject-specific task B.Sc. Architecture:

To prove their subject-specific suitability, applicants must work on a topic issued by the selection committee by April 30 of each year at the latest and submit the result of their work in the form of sketches, drawings, photos or other forms of presentation and a short text on the topic (300 - 400 characters including spaces), no originals, max. DIN A4, max. 5-10 pages, with the application. Further information:


Sport: entry exam B.Sc. Sportwissenschaft:

If you want to apply for a place in Sportwissenschaft in Baden-Württemberg, you need pass the sport entry exam. For more information visit the page of the Institut for sports and sports science.


Selection interviews B.Sc. Chemie:

There are selection interviews for the bachelor´s degree program Chemie (Chemistry). Only applicants that participate in the interview can be accepted.

Requirements for an invitation to the interview:

  • DSH2 (only DSH Exams accredited by HRK
  • Test DaF 4444 (minimum 4x4)
  • DSD 2 of German schools abroad
  • German Language Test as part of Feststellungsprüfung (assessment test at preparatory college)
  • Goethe Certificate C2
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

Only applicants who submitted one of the German language certificates listed above to IStO will be invited to an interview via email.

Applicants for the preparatory language course or preparation for the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) at Studienkolleg only need to take part in an interview when directly applying for a place in the bachelor's degree program.


Language requirements B.A. Wissenschaft - Medien - Kommunikation:

For application, you have to submit the DSH3 or TestDaF 5555 as well as English on B2 level.



Study requirements: language skills

German-language bachelor's degree courses:

In order to be able to start a German-language degree course, we recommend you  already have at least German language proficiency at the level B1 for the application. All certificates are accepted. We also accept a confirmation of participation in a B1 course.

For enrollment, you have to submit the DSH2 or a German language certificate accepted as an equivalent by the start of lectures:

  • DSH2 (only DSH Exams accredited by HRK are recognized)
  • Test DaF 4444 (minimum 4x4)
  • DSD 2 of German schools abroad
  • German Language Test as part of Feststellungsprüfung (assessment test at preparatory college)
  • Goethe Certificate C2
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
Info: Without sufficient proof, the admission becomes invalid, enrollment without sufficient proof in is not possible under any circumstances.

Exemption from proof of language skills: Holders of a secondary school diploma from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the German-speaking community in the Kingdom of Belgium, maturity diploma of the schools with German as language of instruction from the autonomous province of Bozen, as well as graduates of bilingual secondary schools, which end with a bilingual German examination.

Language requirements B.A. Wissenschaft - Medien - Kommunikation:

With your application, you have to submit the DSH3 or TestDaF 5555 as well as English on B2 level.


Preparatory German course at Studienkolleg 

If you do not yet meet the German language requirements for a bachelor's degree program at KIT, you can apply for an intensive language course. Please indicate in your online application for the bachelor's course that you wish to take part in the German course before starting the study course. The invitation for the language course is only issued if the International Students Office has approved your certificates.

The application deadline for the winter semester is July 15th and for the summer semester January 15th. Applications received later will not receive an invitation for the German course.

Entrance exam
In order to participate in the language course, you must pass an entrance examination beforehand. For this, you should have at least B1-B2-level German knowledge. The best participants then take part in a language course of the Studienkolleg in preparation for the Test-DaF exam. The date of the entrance examination is given in your preregistration.  

Please note: Places for the language course are limited and there is no entitlement to participate in the preparatory German course of KIT. Not everyone who successfully passes the entrance exam is given a place in the course! We therefore recommend you look for alternative language schools at the same time.

Completion of the language course and application for the study course
The preregistration for the German course does not automatically lead to admission to the course of study in the following semester. Therefore, a new application for the degree course is necessary after the completion of the language course! Please note that an application for a bachelor's degree program is only possible once a year (for the winter semester).

If you are applying for an NC course, you have to re-enter the selection procedure and the possibility exists that the application will be rejected due to the limited number of study places, even if you have received a "preregistration" in the semester before. When applying for a subject without NC, your application may also be rejected in the event of changes in the admission regulations of the course of study.

Further information about the program of the Studienkolleg can also be found at


TastDaF exam at KIT

Digital TestDaF examinations are held several times a year at the KIT Test Centre. 
Some exam dates are reserved for participants in exam preparation courses (D courses).
In addition, applicants who have received an admission to study at KIT with the requirement to present the TestDaF (or one of the recognised equivalents) at the time of enrolment can take part in these dates. 

On request and depending on availability, applicants with an admission to the subject-related studies can also take part in examination dates for interns.

More info 


You can only register for the TestDaF examination online and with a reservation code which you will receive from the TestDaF examination officer (adisa.kadic∂ at the beginning of the registration period. With the registration code, which is valid for 48 hours, you will receive a request for payment by e-mail directly from the TestDaF Institute. The course fee is currently 195 EUR and must be paid within 48 hours.


Please note: There is only a limited number of examination places, therefore allocation is made in the order of registration. This means that not everyone who has received admission from KIT can take part in the digital TestDaF examination. There is no entitlement to take part in the examination! Therefore, take care of alternative exams (e.g. DSH, Telc C1 Hochschule) in time.

Country-specific requirements

Applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia are required to enclose the original APS-certificate in their application.

Important: KIT does not accept Group APS-certificates. APS-certificates also have to be current. The subsequent certification of your undergraduate studies has to be provided by the application deadline. In case you already graduated KIT only accepts APS for the completed Bachelor. If you have already received an APS-certificate while studying, you can apply for recertification from the APS. This also has to be submitted by the application deadline.

Study Costs

International students (from third countries/non-EU countries) attending bachelor’s, teacher’s, and consecutive master’s programs as well as free movers will have to pay tuition fees in the amount of EUR 1,500 per semester as from the 2017/2018 winter semester. For further information please see: tuition fees

Tuition fees for international students in the amount of 1.500 EUR are not charged for the preparatory German language course at Studienkolleg. For the preparatory language course separate fees are charged. For further information see here: Studienkolleg.


Admission and acceptance of the study place

You will receive an email notification about the outcome of your application. The condition is that all documents arrive in time. Please log in to the application portal once you receive the notification – you can download the notice there. Please consider the corresponding application number.

In case you received an admission letter, you have to accept your study place in the application portal. Otherwise, the place will be given to other applicants. For this, please log in to the portal. You will receive a notification once the admission letter is available.


SelfAssessment international

SelfAssessment international is a service for everyone who is interested in studying a technical subject in Germany. It is part of Student Services and supports young people in their decisions to study in Germany.

Self-Assessment means to evaluate oneself. As a result, SelfAssessment international offers interested international students worldwide the opportunity to find out about the requirements for undertaking technical studies at the TU9 Universities, as well as more about their own strengths and weaknesses in the context of such studies.

The current version contains various exercises to determine mathematical skills and logical problem-solving, but also questions about motivation for studying and willingness to perform. A short German test also offers a rough assessment of language competence. SelfAssessment international is available in German as well as in English. After registration you can choose which one you want to take part in.

Participation in SelfAssessment international is voluntary and cost-free. It takes about 90 to 120 minutes to complete the exercises, which represent what is required in order to begin these studies. Afterwards, each participant will receive feedback and an explanation of the results.

Click here to start SelfAssessment international.




Should you have any questions, e.g. whether you meet the admission requirements, you can find detailed information in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).