Checklist for Hosting Visiting Scientists at KIT

Please complete the following steps in the order given:

IMPORTANT: ​Foreign trade law examination or initiation of the same for third-country nationals

Who is responsible? The host institution
Who is concerned? Visiting Scientists from a non-EU country or a non-EU 001 country (Australia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland including Liechtenstein, United States of America)
When? Right at the beginning of planning a visiting researcher's stay at KIT
Who checks? DE RECHT provides support and specialist information
Prerequisite for:
- Stay at KIT
- Conclusion (if necessary) of the hosting agreement (see explanation below)
- Conclusion of the Visiting Scientist Agreement (see explanation below)

IMPORTANT: From May 1, 2024, research stays by Visiting Scientists must be registered via Mobility Online
What needs to be done? The host institute sends the link for registration on Mobility Online to the visiting scientist. After submitting the application, the institute will receive a notification to confirm the stay data.
When? Before the start of the guest stay at KIT
Requesting Welcome Services (optional): After registering via Mobility Online, Visiting Scientists can request various support services, e.g. from IScO, directly via their user account.
In certain cases: Invitation letter from the institute for third-country nationals

Depending on the requirements of the respective German diplomatic mission abroad, your guest may need a letter of invitation to apply for a visa. This should contain the following information:


1. name as in the passport
2. date and place of birth of the guest
3. planned academic activity ("activity description")
4. duration of stay
5. name of the institute and host
6. type of funding


If you have any questions, please contact IScO.

IMPORTANT: Hosting Agreement for the visa application for third-country nationals 
What is to be done? An important part of the Hosting Agreement is the description of your guest's planned academic activities ("description of activities"). This must be formulated by the contact person of the host institute specified in the online application form: For this purpose, the person receives a request by e-mail via Mobility Online, in which they enter and send the activity description via a link in the e-mail.
If necessary, the e-mail can also be forwarded to a person at the host institute who is able to provide specialist information if the contact person specified in the online registration form is unable to provide information on the content of the guest's planned academic activity. 
Who issues the Hosting Agreement? Once all relevant data, including the job description, has been submitted, the IScO will issue the Hosting Agreement. The completed Hosting Agreement will be made available to your guest as a download via Mobility Online in the respective user account. 
Please note:
- No hosting agreement can be concluded without approval under foreign trade law.
- Before concluding the hosting agreement, it should be clarified whether the use of infrastructure at KIT can be free of charge or must be subject to a fee.
IMPORTANT: Conclusion of a Visiting Scientist Agreement (VSV) for the use of the KIT infrastructure 
Who can apply? The host institute submits a corresponding application to DE RECHT. DE RECHT provides support and technical information.
When? Before the guest starts the research activity at KIT or the institute
How long is the VSV valid? The conclusion and duration of the Visiting Scientist Agreement is linked to the period of validity of the residence permit.
- The host institute is responsible for the timely application for a Visiting Scientist contract and, if necessary, an extension.
- It is the responsibility of the Visiting Scientists themselves to obtain residence documents with a sufficient period of validity.
Please note: 
Without a valid residence permit, no Visiting Scientist contract can be concluded or extended, i.e. the research activity cannot be started or continued and, in the worst case, the research activity must be interrupted.
The waiting time for extensions of residence documents can be several weeks. It is therefore important that the Visiting Scientist takes care of this in good time.
IScO can offer support to Visiting Scientists, provided that contact is made at an early stage.
DE RECHT decides whether the use of the KIT infrastructure is free of charge or subject to a fee.


What else is important: 

​Support for your guest in finding accommodation

Finding suitable accommodation in the Karlsruhe area is always difficult, especially from abroad. The search should therefore begin as early as possible. It can be very helpful for your guest if you and your team as the host institute accompany and support this search.
General information on finding accommodation can also be found in the Accommodation Info Sheet.
Guest and partner account and guest card

Create a guest and partner account so that your guest receives a KIT account and an e-mail address and apply for a guest ID card. If you have any questions, please contact the Registration desks.
Arriving in Karlsruhe and at KIT - Information on social events

The monthly ISCO newsletter provides information onjoint activities such as excursions and information events for internationals to network. You, your team and of course your guest are welcome!
Calling up the supervision allowance 
For certain funding programs such as Humboldt or DAAD, lump-sum support allowances can be requested. Information on the process can usually be found in the funding commitment.
Third-party funding notification 
Is the research stay part of a project? Please remember the third-party funding notification.