Events for incoming and outgoing students
IfSS: Infosession study abroad
Wednesday, 14 May 2025, 13:05-13:35
Hörsaal Sport (Gebäude 40.40)
Would you like to go abroad during your sports degree programme?
On Wednesday, 14 May 2025, during the lunch break from 13:05-13:55, our information event ‘Studying abroad’ will take place in the sports lecture hall (building 40.40).
In addition to general information about possible stays abroad, partner universities, application procedures, deadlines and financing options, sports students who have been abroad during their studies will once again talk about their experiences and answer your questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
international∂ifss kit edu
international∂ifss kit edu
Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft (IfSS)
Engler-Bunte-Ring 13
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608 43233
Mail: hochschulsport ∂does-not-exist.ifss kit edu
Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft (IfSS)
Engler-Bunte-Ring 13
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608 43233
Mail: hochschulsport ∂does-not-exist.ifss kit edu