KIT welcomed the second guest from China as part of the "Staff Exchange"
As last year, KIT's International Office received a guest this summer as part of the "Staff Exchange" of StratP China - Ms. DU Yan. Ms. Du is involved in the management of the UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI), which was founded in 2006 by Shanghai Jiaotong University and the University of Michigan.
After the fruitful meeting with scientists from JI last fall, KIT and JI now want to promote communication and understanding at the administrative level so that further cooperation can be pursued smoothly. Ms. Du visited the International Students Office (IStO), the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS), the International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO) on Campus North and the International Department (ID) during her eight-day stay. Not only did she get to know the structure of the administration, but also the authentic working atmosphere at KIT.
The Joint Institute pursues the unique educational philosophy of "internationalization, interdisciplinary, innovation, quality". This fits in well with KIT's education mission, which creates an important foundation for further cooperation.
Since 2017, KIT and its strategic partner universities have regularly exchanged personnel from the administrative sector. A well-functioning communication of both sides on the administrative level contributes to a smooth academic cooperation.