![]() Am 26. November wurde das „Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center“ des KIT in Suzhou feierlich eröffnet.
Auf der Feier wurden mehr als 200 Teilnehmer aus Industrie, Wirtschaft sowie Hochschulen erwartet.
Hochrangige Repräsentanten der Baden-Württemberg Regierung, der deutschen Botschaft in China sowie vom Co-Organisator Bosch Rexroth waren ebenfalls anwesend.
Ziel des Zentrums ist es mit der smarten Produktionslinie Industrie 4.0 Lösungen für die deutschen und chinesischen Firmen in der Provinz Jiangsu und Shanghai
sowie in ganz China anzubieten und die Industrie 4.0 sowie „Made in China 2025“ schnell und stabil auf dem chinesischen Markt durchzusetzen und voranzutreiben. |
![]() Derzeit findet das 4. KIT Alumni-Expertenseminar in Concepción, Chile, zum Thema “Production and Storage of Renewable Energy” statt. Deutsche und chilenische Wissenschaftler diskutieren mit den 25 Alumni aus Chile, Argentinien, Brasilien und Ecuador über den bestmöglichen Energiemix, die neue Politik der chilenischen Regierung “Energía 2050“ und deutsch-chilenische Projekte in Forschung und Lehre zum Thema erneuerbare Energien und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung. Am 28. November schließt das Seminar mit dem Besuch einer Zellulosefabrik und einer Kohlemine. |
EPIC (The Energy Production and Infrastructure Center) is a busy place. After a six-month assignment, we just said goodbye to our KIT interns. The work they did and contributions made to EPIC were invaluable and we look forward to continuing to grow this partnership.
![]() Die französische Delegation bestehend aus: Philippe Étienne, französischer Botschafter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Nicolas Eybalin, Französischer Generalkonsul für Baden-Württemberg; Paul Alibert, Französischer Hochschulattaché für Zusammenarbeit in der Wissenschaft und Jean-Jaques Pierrat, Botschaftsrat für Wissenschaft und Technologie, besuchte am 21. September das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), um sich einen Überblick über aktuelle deutsch-französische Kooperationsprojekte zu verschaffen.
![]() At the initiative of the Institute for Regional Science (IFR), KIT participates as of 2016 in the United Nations Green Climate Fund Scholarship Program. During the 5-year pilot phase, each year 20 scholarship holders from developing countries will take up studies at KIT in order to influence, as future experts, the environmental industry and legislation in their countries of origin within the meaning of sustainable climate concepts. |
![]() Insights and practical guidance for international (soon to be) graduates You are an international student, intern or doctoral candidate who is about to graduate soon? Or are a postdoctoral researcher and you would like to start a career as a young professional in the German labor market? Then visit our seminar specially tailored to the needs of future international KIT graduates to offer you an insight into the German labor market. You can also register for individual counseling. November 17th, 6pm, KIT Campus South More |
![]() Goal of this workshop, organized by the KIT and the Technological Development Unit, UDT, (Chile), is to discuss
various aspects of sustainable use of
biomass in Chile and beyond. This
includes – but is not limited to - the
assessment of sustainable biomass
potentials, current and emerging
conversion technologies as well as use
concepts, in particular those dealing with
the challenges regarding biomass
logistics due to biomass characteristics. Besides technical discussions, the
workshop offers a platform for exchange
with regard to biomass use in Chile, in
particular between Chilean and German
researchers as well as other professionals
from politics, administration and the
industry. November 25th, 2015 Concepción, Chile Flyer |
![]() The KSOP Career Fair on Optical Technologies is an exclusive framework where companies from O&P present themselves as employer. The staff of tomorrow and the industry representatives get in direct contact talking on open positions for their bachelor or master theses as well as for traineeships or job positions. November 10, 2015 Mehr Informationen |
![]() For two days on 24-25 November the Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics allures every second year leading experts of O&P to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). During the conference each of the five research areas of KSOP is highlighted by plenary lectures. As one lecture is given by a KSOP principal investigator, the other one is hold by an invited expert in the respective field.Registration until October 31 |
![]() Am 6. und 7. Oktober findet in Karlsruhe die EDUCON 2015 unter dem Motto „Industry Comes closer to Academia“ statt. In Form eines zweitägigen Workshops sorgen wir für einen hochrangingen Austausch zwischen indischen Top-Universitäten und Hochschulen mit den
Universitäten und Hochschulen im Gastland. Es werden ca. 60 Vertreter indischer Hochschulen erwartet. Invitation Draft Agenda Website |
![]() On August 03, 2015, a delegation headed by Professor Dr. XU Hong from the East China University of Science and Technology visited KIT. The group gathered detailed information on state-of-the-art research at the Institute for Micro Process Engineering (IMVT). Moreover, intensive exchange of ideas took place with experts from the Institutes of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Thermal Process Engineering (TVT), Nuclear and Engery Technologies (IKET), and Catalyses Research and Technology (IKFT) in order to identify potential for joint research projects. Furthermore, a research fellow from ECUST will conduct his post-doc studies at IMVT in 2016. |
![]() For the first time, the KIT awards the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prize for foreign students together with the scholarships for foreign students that are actively contributing to our international society. The DAAD prize is endowed with 1.000€ and is awarded once a year. In addition to the award, KIT will award 4 scholarships of 750€ each. The scholarships and the award are assigned to students who have an outstanding academic record and outstanding social or intercultural commitments. Nominations until August 31st Mehr im Intranet |
![]() From Tuesday, September 29, to Friday, October 2, 2015, KIT will hold its second PhD Days and therefore cordially invites all doctoral researchers at KIT as well as all students interested in doing a PhD to attend this event. The event will offer a large number of presentations and workshops about the various aspects of doing a PhD at KIT. The KIT PhD Days will be officially opened on Tuesday afternoon with a panel discussion on Publish or Perish – Sinnvoll promovieren?. Programm und Anmeldung |
On July 23, 2015, a high-ranked delegation headed by Professor Dr. Soon Hyung Hong, Director for Basic Research at the National Research Foundation of Korea, visited the KIT. The delegation’s visit aimed at exploring possibilities to enhance joint cooperation. The delegation was welcomed by Professor Dr. Volker Saile, Head of Divison V, and Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft, Vice President-elect for Research. The initial discussion on further cooperation opportunities was followed by lab tours and visits to the wbk Institute of Production Science, the Institute of Applied Materials – Materials and Biomechanics, the Institute of Fluid Machinery, and to the Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology. |
On July 15, 2015, the president of the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT), Prof. Dr. Timothy Gonsalves, visited the KIT on the occasion of a networking workshop of the German TU 9 universities with IIT Mandi. After a first visit in November last year to initialize cooperation, two Indian research fellows have arrived in Karlsruhe for joint research with their KIT colleagues. During the event, two research fellows gave an insight into their research projects as well as into their experiences regarding the cooperation and professors from TU 9 universities reported about their collaboration projects with IIT Mandi. The networking day was concluded by a joint visit to the KIT Bioliq installation at Campus North. |
![]() KIT's International Department has been offering close-to-industry internationally oriented programs since 2000 and is therefore celebrating its 15th anniversary. It is the interface between research, education, and industry and is teaching students knowledge needed to position themselves on the global market and to be successful in industry, science, and the society. Mehr |
![]() KIT-IPS/ANKA - Shizuoka University |
![]() The President of the Pennsylvania State University, Prof. Eric Barron and the Vice Provost for Global Affairs prof. Michael Adewumi visited KIT on June 16th. The aim of the visit consisted in exploring possibilities to increase cooperation between KIT and PSU and discuss the development of research projects. Until now, the main contact exists through the students exchange with the Engineering School of PSU. Besides meetings with academic and administrative staff, the delegation visited the Hydrogen facilities presented by Dr. Thomas Jordan(IKET). |
![]() The project 'I’ll show you my Karlsruhe' is available as part of this year's celebrations of Karlsruhe's 300th birthday and offers the possibility of international exchange and intercultural encounters.
International new residents and guests can get to know and experience their new city in a special way: by joining outings with citizens of Karlsruhe, who like to show them their favorite places in the fan-shaped city. Mehr |
![]() On 4 June, the KIT Alumni met in the Bay Area. The KIT Alumni Club Silicon Valley invited to the regulars' table at the Duke, which was attended by ten KIT Alumni in friendly company. The men would surely be happy about female enhancement by an Alumna the next time.. |
![]() On May 7th a delegation from WMG of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult at Warwick University visited KIT with the purpose of getting to know the current research topics in energy storage (batteries), vehicle propulsion and vehicle lightweighting at KIT. Scientists from the IPEK, wbk, FAST and ETI presented their projects and discussed possible ways of collaboration in these areas of interest. |
![]() Professor Sharvan Kumar, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA, has made sustained, significant contributions, through research and education in the field of physical metallurgy, to enhance our understanding of the fundamentals of deformation response of metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds intended for current and future technological applications. Through this Humboldt Award, he will collaborate with scientists at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf to examine the mechanical behavior of Iron aluminides, High strength Steels and High Entropy Alloys. Humboldt Award |
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![]() On the occasion of KIT’s Annual Reception Dr. ZHAO Qinghua, Counselor of Embassy for Science and Technology, and 1st Secretary Mr. XIE Zuoqian visited KIT and met stakeholders of the China Initiative. Both diplomats were not only interested in the recently launched project "Strategic partnerships for joint innovations - KIT in Jiangsu Province and Metropolitan Region Shanghai" but also offered support for the cooperation and activities in China. |
![]() A high-level delegation from the University of Concepción, Chile, visited KIT on April 16th. UdeC is a long-standing partner of KIT in Chile and the aim of the visit was to explore the possibilities to increase research cooperation and find new subjects to develop common academic projects with a special focus on energy. As the UdeC is planning on developing a Center of Energy, rector Sergio Lavanchy the visit included information on energy-related topics at KIT. Furthermore ongoing and future cooperation projects between the two universities were being discussed. |
![]() From April 13 to 15 introductory meetings took place between Prof. Hanselka and his counterparts of KIT’s four Chinese partner universities in order to discuss and support the implementation of the concept "Strategic Partnerships for Joint Innovations - KIT in Jiangsu and Greater Shanghai" at presidential level. Dr. HE Hong, director of the Helmholtz Office in Beijing, accompanied the president during his visiting tour at the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Soochow University (SUDA) and Tongji University Shanghai (TUS). A visit to the KIT branch in Suzhou and meetings with other stakeholders from industry and the Provincial Government accompanied the program. |
![]() On March 19, a science delegation of Soochow University (SUDA), led by Prof. Gao Zulin, Vice Chairman of Soochow University Council and Dean of the Coolege of Applied Technology, visited KIT.
Subject of the visit was to deepen and broaden the existing cooperation between the SUDA and KIT in the context of the establishment of the Strategic Partnership, particularly in the areas of automation and production technology.
The delegation discussed the strategic partnership network to establish a joint training program with the Jiangsu Province and the metropolitan area of Shanghai, in which next to Soochow University three other Chinese partner universities of KIT shall be included.
In addition to detailed discussions in the wbk Institute, the delegation was welcomed for lunch from Head of Department Prof. h.c. Dr. Joachim Knebel. |
![]() Are you studying Mechanical Engineering at KIT (semester 1-5) and are interested in seeing what the Mechanical Engineering studies are like in France? |
![]() "Building avenues for the creation of new knowledge and values" 16. – 17. April 2015 Mehr |
![]() A group of students from the German School in Guayaquil visited the KIT on the 6th of March. The students are currently in Germany for an internship and took the opportunity to visit Karlsruhe and learn more about the possibilities to study at KIT. Besides listening to a presentation about the study programs and requirements, Ms. Goll answered their questions about the Studienkolleg. They also enjoyed a guided tour around Campus South and had the possibilities to meet students from Ecuador who currently study here and know more about their student’s life. Maybe we’ll meet again next year... |
![]() Five Soochow University students have spent an exchange visit at wbk Institute of Production Science. They participated together with KIT students in a factory planning case study. In this setting, they applied solutions in the field of factory layout and assembly planning in order to solve the case study, but they also experienced collaboration within an international team. Moreover, the practical applicability of the case study results were examined by field trips to medium-sized companies in Germany. „Studierendenaustauschprogramm zur Ausbildung im Fachgebiet der internationalen Fabrikplanung“ is a project in the framework of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for university students - BWS plus, a program of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. |
![]() Auch 2015 findet wieder die tourEUCOR statt, bei der die fünf Eucor-Städte Karlsruhe, Straßburg, Mulhouse, Basel und Freiburg angefahren werden. Die während der Fahrradtour zurückgelegten Kilometer sind für die Teilnehmer in jedem Jahr ein Erlebnis das verbindet. Leistungsbezogene Strecken- und Gruppenauswahl ermöglichen für den Freizeitradler bis zum Radrennfahrer das richtige Anforderungsprofil. So bietet die Tour EUCOR die ideale Möglichkeit mal über Ländergrenzen zu schauen und Mitglieder anderer Universitäten in einem lockeren Rahmen kennen zu lernen. Homepage |
![]() As a result of the visit of the Director of IIT Mandi, Professor Timothy Gonsalves in November 2014 as part of the project “Cooperation of TU 9 Universities with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Mandi)” two research cooperation proposals of the BMBF have been granted. Professor Türk from the Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration will start a co-operation with Dr. Prem Siril in the field of nanocrystallization. In May Dr. Siril will visit KIT for a three month research project.
Professor Powell of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry will start a cooperation with Dr. Rik Koner in Metal Organic and Covalent Organic Frameworks In May Dr. Koner will also start her research project at KIT. |
On Friday, February 20, Dr. Anand Deshpande, founder and CEO of the Indian IT company Persistent Systems, visited the KIT.
During the discussions with scientists from the Steinbuch Centre for Computing, Institute of Data Processing and Electronics and the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management and Innovation, exploring potential cooperation opportunities was the main topic of the meeting. The identified collaboration opportunities range from PhD scholarships through research collaboration in the areas of big data, data imaging and digital transformation to an "Industry-on-Campus Project", and cooperation in the field of co-evolutionary entrepreneurship.
At the end of the nearly two-hour flying visit of the Indian entrepreneur, all participants were confident in the future to establish a partnership between Persistent and KIT in several areas. |
![]() In a joint statement, the members of the "Alliance of German Science Organisations" gave voice to their belief that Germany needs to be open, tolerant and internationally oriented. Beyond the economic necessity of immigration, international exchange and cooperation across borders is beneficial for top quality research and higher education and essential for sustainable success in a globalized world. Currently, some 300,000 international students are in Germany. More than 56,000 foreign scientists funded by the German Science Organisations contribute their experience, expertise and ideas in German research institutions and universities. A welcoming atmosphere and support throughout their stay in Germany is key for keeping Germany attractive and a cosmopolitan place. |
![]() FTU offers several courses, seminars, and practical laboratory sessions for international scientists and students. International Management Training Courses and Workshops Flyer |
![]() The European CLUSTER network, i.e. the Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research, gathered for its General Assembly in Lisbon on February 12/13 to discuss current joint activities and to prepare for the upcoming 25th Anniversary Symposium "The Future of Engineering Education". Vice President Alexander Wanner and Irene Huber from KIT International Affairs represented KIT. In addition, the CLUSTER "Grants and Application Support Team" met to discuss joint applications under ERASMUS+ and Yulia Kokott and Katrin Klink from PEBA Diversity Management hosted a workshop on Gender Balance. |
![]() Vom 1.-14.2. hatte das KIT Besuch einer Delegation der Partneruniversität UFSC, Florianópolis, Brasilien. Im Rahmen der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit des Instituts für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF) mit Prof. Carlos Loch der Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen wird derzeit eine Doktorandin gemeinsam betreut, der Besuch diente außerdem dazu, aktuelle Projekte vorzustellen und weitere Kooperationsmöglichkeiten auszuloten. Am 12.2. fand ein gemeinsames Mittagessen mit INTL statt, um über die geplante Delegationsreise mit KIT-Wissenschaftlern an die UFSC im Juli und Alumniaktivitäten zu diskutieren. |
![]() Die diesjährige Frühjahrstagung des wbk wird Lösungen für Herausforderungen entlang des Wertschöpfungsprozesses in China aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln der Forschung und Industrie zu diskutieren. Sie wird einen Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen von deutschen Unternehmen in China sowie in gegenwärtige Forschungsarbeiten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Außenstellen Suzhou und Shanghai. Flyer Webseite |
![]() The President of the Kyoto University, Prof. Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa, visited with his high-level delegation KIT February 4th in order to explore options for further enhancement and intensification of collaboration between both universities. Both universities already cooperate in the context of the German-Japanese HeKKSaGOn network. Possible areas of future cooperation could be joint symposia and workshops in the fields of mathematics, physics or chemistry, as well as an intensified students exchange. KIT President Hanselka welcomed the Kyoto University delegation. Afterwards, both presidents exchanged ideas about new impulses for future cooperation. |
![]() Students from École de Mines, Paris and students from KIT and TU Munich are organizing a workshop for the first time. In the end of august, students have the chance to debate 4 days about the energy future of Germany and France. |
![]() Die Akteure der KIT-China-Initiative und des thematischen Netzwerkes InterACT haben 2 von maximal 2 Anträgen im Rahmen der DAAD-Förderbekanntmachung "Strategische Partnerschaften und thematische Netzwerke" erfolgreich positioniert und damit für die kommenden 4 Jahre fast 2 Millionen Euro für ihre Kooperationen eingeworben. |
