EPICUR Research
Inter- and transdisciplinary research in three core areas of current societal challenges is the goal of EPICUR-Research. Funded by Horizon 2020 of the European Commission, the project started in January 2021 with a three-year duration. Located in the program line "Science with and for Society" (SwafS), EPICUR-Research is primarily aimed at researchers who are at the beginning of their scientific career and are interested in shaping a common research agenda for our eight partner universities.
Joint research agenda with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches
In research, an analysis of the research strengths of each EPICUR university will help identify and exploit potential synergies. This will help to identify new joint research fields that will make important contributions to overcoming major societal challenges. Special attention will be paid to the sustainability transition against the background of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, to high-quality healthcare for the European population, as well as to disruptive technologies and the handling of digitalization. These topics will be addressed and worked on as focal points of future joint research in three interdisciplinary EPIChallenges: Sustainability (incl. climate change and energy); Mobility, Migration and Identity; Public Health.
EPICUR Pathway to Research
The EPICUR Pathway to Research is a three-step program developed by EPICUR Research to support young scientists in their innovative, inter- and/or transdisciplinary research. It aims to transform the regional academic communities of EPICUR partner universities into a collaborative bottom-up network that empowers young scientists in their scientific work. By initiating new processes and building new networks for researchers at different career stages, EPICUR will form a new research community that crosses disciplinary and national boundaries.
All information can be found on the official website here
EPICamps (virtual events) offer early career researchers the opportunity to present their research, interests, and ideas, as well as meet like-minded people who complement and extend their work. To foster diverse exchanges, EPICamps - in addition to thematic sessions - will also provide space for researchers and non-university partners to exchange ideas on issues of methodology, tools, ethical issues and data management, didactics, science communication, and other aspects of academic work.
EPICUR aims to foster the formation of research groups across disciplines and national boundaries that address one of the three EPIChallenges. Under the umbrella of these EPIChallenges, EPICUR will host six EPICamps in 2021/2022, each focusing on different aspects of these broad themes.
EPICamp V "Sustainable Cities and Regional Change" organized by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, on 31 March/01 April, 2022.
EPICamp IV "Hydrosphere" organized by the University of Freiburg and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, on March 23/24, 2022.
EPICamp III "Collective Identities" organized by the University of Haute-Alsace, on Feb 25/26, 2022.
EPICamp II "Sustainability, Resources and Climate Justice" organized by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, on Dec. 2-3, 2021
EPICamp I "Mobility, Migration and Multilingualism" organized by the University of Freiburg, on October 15-16, 2021.
From March 15 to April 15, 2022, groups of up to five Early Career Researchers (ECRs) - from PhD students to junior professors - had the opportunity to apply for the first EPICradle, which will take place for three months in the period June - September 2022. EPICradles offer ECRs from our eight EPICUR partner universities the opportunity to:
- acquire new research skills and competences, especially in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration in a European context,
- receive information about funding programs
- establish contacts with other ECRs and to develop joint projects.
EPIClusters are new, trans- and interdisciplinary, challenge-oriented research formats that also involve stakeholders from other sectors such as business, industry, politics, NGOs, public services, communities or regions. The 4 EPIClusters selected and funded are.
- Seeking a new language: Narratives on home, (forced) migration and identity of newcoming Ukrainian youth to European cities
- A sustainable and just renewable energy transition for Europe: exploring multidimensional barriers and potentials
- Co-Constructed early warning system against Tomato leafminer (CoCon Tomato)
- ePiCNutrients
- Ein nachhaltiger und gerechter Übergang für Europa – EPIClusters (youtube.com)
- SEEKING A NEW LANGUAGE - Project update | EPIclusters (youtube.com)
Contact Person at KIT:
Dr. Birgitta Kappes | Coordinator EPICUR-Research | birgitta kappes ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |