

Sino-German Environment Center SiGER (seit 2023)

The aim of the Sino-German Environment Center SiGER is to jointly cooperate in the fields of key technologies for resource recycling, environmentally friendly low-carbon technologies and engineering applications, sustainable urban water systems, measures against climate change, and the promotion of measures to minimize environmental and health risks and make a positive contribution to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Achievements to date:

Research topics:

  •     Intelligent and sustainable urban water systems.
  •     Key technologies for resource recycling.
  •     Health risk assessment and control of chemicals.
  •     Innovation of low-carbon technologies and response to climate change.


  •     More than 15 full-time professors from TU Berlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.
  •     7 academic visits for team collaborations and academic discussions.


  •     5 Core Research Groups
  •     3 important national/Shanghai cooperation projects.


  •     6 German Master students on exchange.
  •     Participation of about 30 students in the summer school with 4 modules led by KIT professors.



TRENT (2021 -2023)

TRENT (Transnational Competence Center for Environmental Technology and Research Jiangsu Baden-Württemberg) is a project founded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment. In addition to the Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Umwelttechnik BW (State Agency for Environmental Technology and Resource Efficiency (UTBW)), the Office of Baden-Württemberg International in Nanjing (BW_i Nanjing) will also be involved with its network in Jiangsu.

Objectives of TRENT:

  •     To establish and provide a platform for scientific institutions, environmental authorities and environmental technology companies in Jiangsu and Baden-Württemberg.
  •     Development of joint solutions in environmental and energy issues for a livable and sustainable living space  .
  •     Access to solutions and offers from science and technology for current and future generations.




CuLTURE China (2018 – 2021)

Through the networking of actors from research, teaching and innovation both within KIT and with Chinese partners on the one hand and through the active participation of students and scientists from both countries on the other, a permanent competence network with a focus on China is being created within the framework of CuLTURE China.

In addition to energy, climate and environment, Industry 4.0 and automation, the topics also include entrepreneurship, intercultural China competence, dialog with society / public science and the development of an interdisciplinary China competence center.


StratP China (2015 – 2021)

Joint Innovations - KIT in Jiangsu Province and Shanghai.


  •     Strengthening of bilateral partnerships as well as thematic expansion and medium-term development into a strategic network with diverse thematic references and a strong focus on innovation
  •     Establishment of an interdisciplinary research and innovation platform in Jiangsu and the greater Shanghai area
  •     Strengthening the strategic presence axis Shanghai - Suzhou - Nanjing
  •     Expansion of the existing qualification offers of the KIT branch office to new subject areas that are in demand in China in a German-Chinese demonstration and innovation center for “Global Production, Future Technologies,      Environment and Sustainability”