On Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 5:00 PM (CEST) the 12th International Excellence Talk will take place online (via Zoom). Prof. Dr. Kamran Behdinan will present his insights on the topic “Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis of Multifunctional Lightweight Systems”.
More Information regarding the talk via this link.
MoreThe Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's (JSPS) programs provide overseas researchers with an opportunity to collaborate with researchers in Japan.
On May 16, the next Humboldt Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V. lecture "Natural Sciences and Engineering meet Economics" is given by Professor Dr. Dirk Wentzel and Dr. Erik Bründermann.
MoreGlobetrotter and scientist Alexander von Humboldt was born 250 years ago. To mark the anniversary, numerous ceremonies, conferences, lectures, projects and other activities will be taking place.
KIT organized the first International Days that took place on October 9 and 10.
The International Days represent an opportunity of encounter and dialog for a better intercultural understanding.
Panel Discussion "Living Internationality - Research Groups at KIT: Insights by Hosts"
Humboldt-Research prize winner
Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Panayote (Panos) M. Pardalos, University of Florida
talks about the topic
“On the Limits of Computation in Non-convex Optimization”
Date: Monday, 22 July 2019, 14:00h
Place: Room 320, Building 09.21
Link_moreUntil April 1, 2019, German young scientists who are planning a four- to six-month research project at a US university beginning after November 1, 2019, may apply.
MoreThe special research area 1015 „Muße. Grenzen, Raumzeitlichkeit, Praktiken“ from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, supported by the German Research Foundation offers two scholarships (12 months) to doctoral candidates from abroad. Find more information.
Link_moreThe Arab-German Young Academy (AGYA) promotes research cooperation among outstanding early-career researchers who are affiliated with a research institution in Germany or any Arab country.
Application Deadline 3 April 2018
MoreHelmholtz Association and the office of China Postdoc Council offer a postdoctoral exchange program for a joint selection, co-funding 50 outstanding young scholars annually to work as a postdoc in a Helmholtz research centre for a two year period.
MoreUnder DAAD’s STIBET program, KIT offers research and teaching assistantships as well as scholarships for foreign doctoral researchers.
Application deadline extended to September 30, 2018.
A second workshop concerning the subject of Threatened Researchers and organized by IScO and ZAK, took place on 6th December 2018. Prior to the workshop a film screening of a documentary had been organized in the course of the World Science Café.
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the winners of the competition for Research Alumni Meetings Abroad.
November 15th, 2018
Senatssaal, Engelbert-Arnold-Straße 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, Campus Süd
international students, interns, doctoral candidates who are about to finish their degree, as well as postdoctoral researchers who are interested in entering the German labor market
Zur Unterstützung der Internationalisierung in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften vermittelt der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) nordamerikanische, britische und irische Bachelor Studierende in Forschungspraktika an deutsche Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen. Die Studierenden werden während ihres Praktikums von einer Doktorandin oder einem Doktoranden angeleitet und betreut. Der DAAD unterstützt die in den Sommermonaten stattfindenden Forschungspraktika mit Stipendien, finanziert durch Mittel des Auswärtigen Amts und durch institutionelle Kooperationen.
Link_moreDas Ontario Baden-Württemberg Faculty Mobility Program ist ein Stipendienprogramm, welches WissenschaftlerInnen aller 9 baden-württembergischen Universitäten Forschungsaufenthalte an einer von 14 Partneruniversitäten in der Provinz Ontario, Kanada ermöglicht.
MehrZiel des Programms ist es, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) hochqualifizierten promovierten deutschen Nachwuchswissenschaftlern und sowie Doktoranden einen kurzfristigen Forschungsaufenthalt an Universitäten und ausgewählten Forschungseinrichtungen in Japan zu ermöglichen. Bewerben können sich Postdoktoranden und Doktoranden aller Fachrichtungen. Gefördert werden Forschungsvorhaben an Universitäten und ausgewählten Forschungseinrichtungen in Japan. Nicht gefördert werden Aufenthalte zur Verbesserung der Sprachkenntnisse oder zur Durchführung landeskundlicher Studienen.
The program offers highly-qualified students from Brazil, Chile, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, South Africa and Vietnam the opportunity to study in selected English-language master degree programs or to complete their PhD in applied research at German universities in the thematic fields of sustainable water management. Studies are to be carried out in Germany. The objective of the program is to qualify experts in sustainable water management technology for the respective home countries, to enhance technological cooperation between those countries and Germany.
Trump and Brexit, AfD and Front National, political apathy and mistrust: The open society is threatened – be it by nationalism, xenophobia or populism. Within the framework of the 21st Karlsruhe Dialogues under the title “Pluralistic Societies and its Enemies”, experts, artists and activists from various countries and cultures come together to discuss the future of a diverse society from March 3 to March 5, 2017.
More Information and Registration: http://www.zak.kit.edu/english/5124.php
EU Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation will organize a high-level conference on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 and the role of research and innovation for Europe's future. Pascal Lamy, the chair of the "High Level Group on maximizing the impact of European research and innovation programs", will present the Group's vision and recommendations for the future, based on the results of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 and the Commission will launch the stakeholder consultation for the successor framework program.
MoreEucor – The European Campus invites emerging researchers of its mermber universties to join an information and networking day
The event offers an unique opportunity to inform about financing in the area of researching. Furthermore, there is the posibility to .In addition, participants have the opportunity to gain more awareness of their competences acquired during the doctoral studies, to profit from expert reports from the experts, in order to develop better career perspectives.
For whom?
The event is aimed at young researchers from the member universities of Eucor - The European Campus.
When and where?
Thursday, June 1st 2017 - 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Université de Strasbourg – Institut Le Bel
Working languages?
German and French with und Französisch (simultaneous translation)
On Thursday, November 30th 2017 at 7:00 pm, we will be hosting our next Humboldt Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V. Lecture “A glimpse into partial differential equations”, given by Dr. Alberto Saldaña.
Dr. Alberto Saldaña holds an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers and is conducting research at the Institute for Analysis at KIT. His host Professor Dr. Wolfgang Reichel holds a chair at the Department of Mathematics at KIT.
On 8th July 2017, at 10 h we will meet at Karlsruhe train station for an informative breakfast, to then carry on
with an excursion to Strasbourg, the European city, so strongly characterised by two nations. Our guide Helmut
Schneider will explain, how the „to and fro“ of Strasbourg‘s history has left its marks on the cityscape, its inhabitants and their culture. There will be further stops for background information while tasting some of the delicacies of the local cuisine, and of course time for free roaming around in this beautiful, very European town. The party will leave Strasbourg around 19 h.
For further information please contact Visitingresearcher@intl.kit.edu.
Registration: KIT Studienkolleg: www.stk.kit.edu (limited to 18 participants)
Registration fees: €20, before the 30th June 2017. (money transfer / cash)
On 19 September 2017, you will have the chance to present your research project, benefit from a professional presentation coaching including feedback free of charge and network with other doctoral researchers!
Submission deadline extended till Friday, June 16!
In a new event series, fled and threatened scientists offer insights into their research
In the winter semester 2016/17, the ZAK, in cooperation with the International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO), will be hosting a new series of events in the scope of which refugees give an account of their scientific work. The new format is part of the KIT’s activities within the framework of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, which was launched by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation together with the German Federal Foreign Office.
Programme - Wednesday, 19. July 2017, 18:00
Dr. Zafer Yilmaz
of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science at University Potsdam
Foyer of the Presidential Building (Adolf-Würth-Gebäude, Geb. 11.30)
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2, 76131 Karlsruhe
Do you work in the natural or economic sciences and are interested in pursuing interdisciplinary research? Would you like to network with international colleagues? Through its add-on fellowships, the Joachim Herz Stiftung supports doctoral candidates and postdocs who are working on interdisciplinary questions in the field of systems biology and related research areas or on economic questions of interdisciplinary relevance. Applications are welcome from young researchers of any nationality who are working at a German research institution.
MoreWie funktioniert ein echter Quantencomputer und wie weit sind wir von der Anwendung entfernt? Im Interview spricht Humboldt-Professor Wolfgang Wernsdorfer vom Physikalischen Institut (PHI) am KIT über Googles Qubit-Quantenchip und die hohe Erwartungshaltung.
You finished your promotion with an excellent result? You believe that science can change the world? You are able to explain the impact of your dissertation project on society in a short text? Then apply for Deutscher Studienpreis! For contributions of outstanding social significance by young researchers, the Körber-Stitung is awarding annual prizes of over 100,000 € in total, with three 25,000 € top prizes.
MoreOn 20 September 20 universities and research facilities have founded the German Section of the Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) in Bonn, in order to be able to communicate about possibilities for the support of threatened researchers and to draw attention to the infringement of academic freedom.
The German Section is part of the international Scholars at Risk Network (SAR), in which higher education institutions are working together worldwide. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will host the secretariat of the German Section until March 2019.
To the press release of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
Deutschlands höchstdotierter Preis für Forscher aus dem Ausland, die Alexander von Humboldt-Professur, ging am 3. Mai in Berlin an Professor Wolfgang Wernsdorfer. Der Begründer der molekularen Spin-Elektronik kehrt nun von Frankreich nach Deutschland zurück: Ab 1. Juni 2016 wird Wernsdorfer am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) an der Entwicklung künftiger Quantencomputer forschen. Den Forschungspreis, dotiert mit einem Preisgeld von fünf Millionen Euro, überreichten die Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Cornelia Quennet-Thielen und der Präsident der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Professor Helmut Schwarz.
MehrGudrun Niehues and Stefan Funkner joined the department of Erik Bründermann and the new FLUTE facility for their research projects as Fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Link_more IScO is offering interested persons at the KIT licenses for a DUO German language course as scholarships supported by DAAD-STIBET funds. Apply now, giving your current position at KIT, your CV and a motivation letter!
German courses by DUO are offered on every level of proficiency. You learn everything you need for your stay in Germany in the courses: you hear a lot about your studies, you get to know the country and the people, you learn special languages and gain expert knowledge. Contact person: Oliver Kaas
After a successful application to IScO, further steps are undertaken in cooperation with the Studienkolleg. Your contact / online tutor will be an experienced member of their staff. Correspondence course assignments are mandatory and your learning progress will be evaluated.
More about DUO coursesIn the framework of MSCA IF 2015 several universities in Israel, Collegium Civitas and University of Silesia in Poland and Valahia University of Târgovişte in Romania express their interest to host Marie S. Curie fellows.
- Overview of hosting universities in Israel
- Poland, Collegium Civitas
- The University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland (Particle Physics)
Romania, Valahia University of Târgovişte
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) brings an internationally renowned experimental physicist to Germany: Wolfgang Wernsdorfer was selected for a Humboldt Professorship. With this award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards worldwide leading scientists previously working abroad. With a prize money of up to five million euros, this is Germany's highest research prize with an international focus. Wernsdorfer, a renowned expert on nanomagnets will further develop groundbreaking research at the KIT Physics Institute. The Humboldt Professorship will be awarded in May 2016 in Berlin
More (German language) The Institute of Applied Physics at the KIT is looking for Ph.D. candidates in quantitative optical microscopy development and application or in biomarker and nanostructure/ nanoparticle development to support their research in the field of Optics and Photonics, Fluorescence Imaging and Biophysics.
Tomsk Polytechnic University invites Young Researchers (under the age of 35) for a Postdoctoral Fellow position. The candidate will be involved in experimental research in Computational Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Physics, Engineering Geology and Simulations of Physical-Chemical Processes. The working language is English/Russian.
More information
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is granting up to six Georg Forster Research Awards annually.
The Georg Forster Research Award is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to date to academics of all disciplines whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond and who are expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges facing transition and developing countries.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female researchers.
The award amount totals €60,000. In Germany, research awards are generally exempt from income tax under German tax law.
The Nanyang Business School in Singapore has a PhD programme committed to nurturing future academics, researchs and thought leaders in business and welcomes ambitious men and women who want to graduate with a PhD Programme from a top business school located in Asia.
MoreThe event will focus on the two following main topics:
- International students enrollment and recruitment strategies (max. 20 participants – University staff)
- Erasmus+: Music Academies point of view (max. 20 participants - Music Academy staff)
Ferrara, Italy
Application deadline May 7, 2015
Professor Sharvan Kumar, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA, has made sustained, significant contributions, through research and education in the field of physical metallurgy, to enhance our understanding of the fundamentals of deformation response of metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds intended for current and future technological applications. Through this Humboldt Award, he will collaborate with scientists at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf to examine the mechanical behavior of Iron aluminides, High strength Steels and High Entropy Alloys.
Humboldt Award