20th Humboldt-Tag at KIT on Mai 15, 2025
Event information at a glance:
- Date: Thursday, Mai 15, 2025.
- Time: 2:00pm until 6:00pm.
- Program: To be announced.
- Venue: "Senate Hall", Engelbert-Arnold Str. 2, 76131 Karlsruhe (building 11.20), Campus South.
- Registration: Due to organizational reasons, we kindly ask for registration.
Become a Humboldt Fellow!
Whether you are a young post-doc at the beginning of your scientific career or an established, experienced scientist or among the best in the world in your discipline - the research fellowships and research awards of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation provide for adequate funding.
Become a host at KIT!
Every Humboldtian needs a scientific host. Internationalize your research team and encourage your young international cooperation partners to apply for a research fellowship of the Humboldt-Foundation or nominate your preffered partner in cutting-edge research for a Humbolt research award. The Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation supports persons, no projects!
There are no quotas, neither for certain countries nor for certain academic disciplines. 800 fellowships per year, 30.000 Humboldtians, in 140 countries, 57 Nobel Prize winners.
These questions and many more will be answered at the event
How do I finance my post-doctoral studies abroad?
How do I invite excellent post-doctoral colleagues from abroad to my institute / group?
How do I nominate a colleague for an award?
Your organizers:
Advisor for Internationally Mobile Researchers
+49 721 608-45323
oliver kaas ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
50.25 Campus Süd