Baden-Württemberg State-to-State Programs
In order to promote international exchange, cooperative agreements have been concluded via the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science with state university systems in some states or provinces in the USA and Canada. The state programs of Baden-Württemberg are special exchange programs, because here the partnership is not between two universities, but between the state of Baden-Württemberg and a consortium of universities of a state (USA), province (Canada).
An overview of current programs and calls for proposals can be found below via the respective links:

"Researcher Mobility Program" of Baden-Württemberg and the University of Massachusetts
The Ontario Baden-Württemberg Faculty Mobility Program is part of the state-to-state programme of Baden-Württemberg and the province of Ontario, Canada.
State to State Program Baden-Württemberg/North Carolina Faculty Mobility Program
State to State Program Baden-Württemberg/Connecticut Faculty Mobility Program
State to State Program baden-Württemberg/ California
Baden-Württemberg/Connecticut Faculty Mobility Program
State to State Program Baden-Württemberg/ Israel