culTURE ChinaFederal Government Releases Funds for culTURE China

With its strategic partners in China, KIT is building up an intercultural competence network.

Chile ClusterChile Clúster: Investigación aplicada de clase mundial

La transferencia de conoci-mientos y la investigación aplicada deberían ayudar a desarrollar soluciones para los retos concretos de la industria chilena. El KIT Chile Cluster está dedicado a esta tarea.

HelmholtzHelmholtz – OCPC – Programme

The programme enables the Helmholtz centres to integrate up to 50 postdocs in projects that they are implementing or intend to establish with partner institutions in China.

FulbrightFulbright Doctoral Scholarships

Until April 1, 2019, German young scientists who are planning a four- to six-month research project at a US university beginning after November 1, 2019, may apply.

Tour Eucor 2019Tour Eucor 2019 - registration has started!

120 cyclists, 5 days, 5 cities and 3 countries. Whether amateur or amateur athlete, whether young or old, whether student, scientific staff or alumni, the Tour Eucor offers you this challenge.

250 HumboldtCelebrating Humboldt's 250th Birthday

Globetrotter and scientist Alexander von Humboldt was born 250 years ago. To mark the anniversary, numerous ceremonies, conferences, lectures, projects and other activities will be taking place.


Tomi UngererMourning European Tomi Ungerer

KIT is mourning the death of artist Tomi Ungerer. The great European from Alsace has been an honorary doctor of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences since 2004.

JSPSJSPS Fellowships for Research in Japan

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's (JSPS) programs provide overseas researchers with an opportunity to collaborate with researchers in Japan.

Short-term | Standard

Grenzenlos studieren. Europa wählen!"Study without Borders. Vote for Europe!"

The German Rectors' Conference and the German Student Union are calling for students to participate in the European elections.

Eucor Festival 2019Trinationales Eucor Festival 2019 in Basel

From 10 to 12 May in Basel, the Eucor Festival offers students from the Upper Rhine region the opportunity for trinational ex-change. The program ranges from a bar tour and a brunch together to a party with live bands.

ITAS YearbookInternational Publications at KIT

Many disciplines at KIT cover global topics. To better communicate scientific work to such a broad public, KIT issues more and more publications in English.

Andreas SchmidtPhD Candidate of KIT is Schmidt Science Fellow

Andreas Schlüter, a KIT PhD candidate at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Tropospheric Research (IMK-TRO), is the only Schmidt Science Fellow from Germany.

More (German)
GEP SummitGlobal Energy Prize Summit at KIT

The VIII Global Energy Prize Summit held at the 10th of April at KIT was a huge success. It was organized by the Global Energy Association together with KIT International Affairs and the KIT Energy Center.

HumboldtNatural Sciences and Engi-neering meet Economics

On May 16, the next Humboldt Regional Group Karlsruhe-Pforzheim e.V. lecture "Natural Sciences and Engineering meet Economics" is given by Professor Dr. Dirk Wentzel and Dr. Erik Bründermann.

Fulbright WorkshopFulbright-Cottrell Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop

The workshop from June 3-5 aims to gather junior group leaders in the fields of chemistry, physics, and astronomy and their academic administrative leaders. Free places left, apply now!

Viva Technology 2019German-French Hub for Industry 4.0 at Viva Technology 2019

At a joint stand, KIT and its university and industry partners presented transnational cooperation projects in education and innovation.

Visit of the Chinese Minister-CounsellorVisit of the Chinese Minister-Counsellor

On May 10, the Chinese Minister-Counsellor of the Department of Science and Technology, Mr. Yin Jun, and his first secretary, Prof. Li Guoqiang, visited KIT.

The Future of WorkKIT LINK at the BMBF Forum "The Future of Work"

On May 21 and 22, 2019, the KIT LINK network took part in the first BMBF International Forum "The Future of Work" for livable working worlds of the future in Berlin.

Synagoge KarlsruheRemembrace – Erinnern im Dialog

Die Veranstaltungsreihe im Juni 2019, eine studentische Initiative von Miriam Rateike, befasst sich mit zukunfts-gerichtetem Gedenken und gesellschaftlicher Diskussion.

KIT beim VerfassungsfestMit Glücksrad, Quiz und Fotobox

„Was ich an Europa mag …“ das hielten Besucherinnen und Besucher des Verfassungsfests am Stand des KIT fest.

International MINTernship Program: Welcome for students from the USA at KITWelcome for Students from the USA at KIT

Five students of the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte were warmly welcomed at the official reception within the MINTernship Program at KIT on May 24th, 2019.

SEEEPSEEEP PhD Summer School 2019

The PhD School “Affordable Energy Transition: technological solutions and socio-economic constraints” will take place at Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) and Zhejiang University (ZJU) in Hangzhou between 12 and 25 August 2019.

Tour Eucor 2019Tour Eucor 2019: Oberrhein auf dem Rad

Ob mit dem Rennrad, dem Mountainbike oder dem Trekkingrad: Vom 19. bis 23. Juni 2019 geht es auf der 22. Tour Eucor wieder in die Eucor-Universitätsstädte Karlsruhe, Straßburg, Mulhouse, Basel und Freiburg.

EucorEucor – The European Campus – growing and fruitful

Universities in the Upper Rhine region present milestones in their cooperation and establish trans-boundary professorships.


EucorQuantum Science and Technologies at the European Campus

The Eucor programme QUSTEC offers 39 early stage researcher (ESR) positions and outstanding training opportunities in a highly international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral setting.

CuLTURE ChinaCuLTURE China Milestone Meeting

From June 27 to 29, 2019, the CuLTURE China Milestone Meeting will take place at KIT with a rich cultural program.

EPICUREPICUR als „Europäische Universität“ erfolgreich

Der europäische Hochschulverbund EPICUR erhält von der Europäischen Kommission in den kommenden drei Jahren eine Förderung in Höhe von fünf Millionen Euro.

KIT Alumni SeminarKIT Alumni Seminar on Argentina

The KIT Alumniclub in Argentina and INTL will jointly organize a seminar on “Industrial sustainability, circular economy & de-centralized energy supply in Argentina”.

HelmholtzHelmholtz International Fellow Award

The award is aimed at outstanding scientists (senior scientists) and research managers from abroad who have distinguished themselves through their work in areas relevant to Helmholtz.

AIxIAArtificial Intelligence meets Intelligence Artificielle

The first French-German conference on the application of AI will take place in Karlsruhe on October 1-2, 2019.

AUTh-KITDelegation from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In mid-July, a delegation of 13 scientists and four members of the Rectorate from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has visited KIT for a joint two-day workshop.

Uni LeedsKIT delegation visiting Leeds University

In the beginning of July, a KIT delegation led by Vice President Prof. Thomas Hirth has visited the University of Leeds. The aim was to further promote successful cooperation in various topics.

My International DaysVideo Contest "My International Days"

For the KIT International Days, a video competition for students, alumni, and members of KIT, who studied abroad for a while or came to KIT for studies, has started.

MINTernship USAMINTernship: Abschluss am KIT für US-Studenten

Der interdisziplinäre Austausch zum Thema Energie stand im Mittelpunkt der offiziellen Abschlussveranstaltung am 19. Juli 2019 mit fünf Studierenden der University of North Carolina (UNC). 

MINTernship CanadaMINTernship: Kanadische Studierende am KIT

Bei der Abschlussveranstaltung am 26. Juli 2019 präsentierten drei Studierende von der University of Waterloo, Kanada, ihre Forschungs-studien, die sie im MINTernship-Programm am KIT absolvierten.

Science Slam Krasnodar 5. Oktober 2019Science Slam Krasnodar

Slammers from Karlsruhe can apply for a performance in Krasnodar on 5 October 2019. At the "Städtepartnerslam" only Slammers from the two twin cities Krasnodar and Karlsruhe will perform.

EucorMobility Video of Eucor - The European Campus

In a new video, Eucor - The European Campus describes the cross-border opportunities for students and doctoral candidates at the universities of Upper Rhine.


GasthörerprogrammDas Gasthörerprogramm für Geflüchtete am KIT

Die Koordinationsstelle zur Integration von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen am KIT bietet ein Gasthörerprogramm für Geflüchtete an.

GlossarThe ABC of KIT - New Online Glossary

Use KIT’s online glossary to quickly and easily look for translations of terms specific of KIT’s research, teaching, and innovation. The glossary may be searched for both English and German terms.


Prof. Albers, Prof. Wang, Prof. HirthGEARE-Programm feiert Jubiläum

Am 25. Juli 2019 hat KIT anlässlich des 10. Jubiläums des GEARE-Programms eingeladen. Kollegen von der Shanghai Jiao Tong University kamen zur Feier.

Teilnehmer der Summer SchoolINT Nano-Summer School

Sino-German Summer School on Recent Advances in Materials Development mit sechzehn Teilnehmern von den vier chinesischen Partnerunis.

Harald S. MüllerProf. Harald S. Müller awarded in China

On April 29, 2019, Prof. Müller was awarded the title "Shandong Provincial Distinguished Foreign Expert". The Chinese province of Shandong concluded with him a consulting contract with an initial three-year term.

AMUKIT delegation visiting AMU Poznań

In September, KIT representatives visited Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, one of the partner universities within the European University Association EPICUR.

DTUVisit of Technical University of Denmark (DTU) at KIT

At the end of September, Prof. Philip Binning (Senior Vice President and Dean of Graduate Studies and International Affairs) and Brit Bille Albrektsen (International Partnership Manager) visited KIT.

Eucor-DeklarationDeklaration zu Eucor – The European Campus

Fünf Universitäts-Präsident(inn)en sowie sieben Vertreter(innen) der kommunalen Gebietskörper-schaften setzen Signal für eine intensivere, grenzüberschrei-tende Zusammenarbeit am Oberrhein.

20 Jahre KIT und TongjiKIT und Tongji feiern 20-jährige Partnerschaft

Am 11.10. feierten das KIT und die Tongji University das Bestehen der 20-jährigen Partnerschaft in Shanghai.

MINTernship Feedback WorkshopWorkshop im MINTernship-Programm am 17.10.2019

Beim Feedback-Workshop am gaben die MINTernship-Stipendiaten spannende Einblicke in ihre Forschungs-projekte und ihr Alltagsleben an der University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC).

Neue deutsch-argentinische DoppelabschlüsseNeue deutsch-argentinische Doppelabschlüsse

Mitte Oktober lud das Deutsch-Argentinische Hochschul-zentrum (DAHZ-CUAA) deutsche und argentinische Koordinatorinnen und Koordinatoren zur Auftaktveranstaltung für binationale Studiengänge ein.

KIT Alumni seminar in Buenos AiresKIT Alumni seminar in Buenos Aires

Argentinean Alumni, KIT professors and local experts met in Buenos Aires at the facilities of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) this September for a 4-day seminar.

Steinmeier with KIT alumniFederal President Steinmeier Meets KIT Alumni in Boston

The highlights of the KIT alumni meeting in Boston in early November were two meetings with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

International DaysPremiere der International Days

In Workshops und Diskussionen haben sich Mitarbeitende und Studierende des KIT sowie Gäste bei den International Days Mitte Oktober über internationale Erfahrungen und Aktivitäten ausgetauscht.

Deutsch-Russisches Young Leaders ForumDeutsch-Russisches Young Leaders Forum am KIT

Am 13. November besuchten 15 deutsche und 15 russische junge Führungskräfte aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Recht, Journalismus und Wissenschaft das KIT und erhielten Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte.

MINTernshipMINTernship - deadline extended until Dec 31!

For 2020 there is again the opportunity to complete a scholarship-financed research stay at the Energy Production & Infrastructure Center (EPIC) at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte (UNCC).

Pierre-Auger-Observatorium20 Jahre Pierre-Auger-Observatorium

Mehr als 200 Wissenschaftle-rinnen, Wissenschaftler und Gäste aus der ganzen Welt haben im November das 20-jährige Bestehen des Pierre Auger-Observatoriums in Malargüe in Argentinien gefeiert.

21. deutsch-französischer MinisterratDeutsch-französische KI-Roadmap

Auf dem 21. deutsch-französischen Ministerrat am 16. Oktober 2019 in Toulouse wurde eine deutsch-franzö-sische Roadmap für ein Forschungs- und Innovations-netzwerk zur Künstlichen Intelligenz unterzeichnet.
